Publication detail
More Sophisticated Thermodynamic Designs of Welds between Dissimilar Steels
Czech title
Sofistifikovanější temodynamický návrh heterogenních svarových spojů
English title
More Sophisticated Thermodynamic Designs of Welds between Dissimilar Steels
journal article - other
Original abstract
In the paper, steels are studied that are mostly used in technical practice as base materials, filler metals, and consumable electrodes in the design of dissimilar weld joints. These steels differ mainly in the content of Cr, Mo, V, W, and N. It is explained and emphasized in the paper that the effect cannot be underrated of thermodynamics, diffusion and phase transformations on the stability of dissimilar weld joints that are exposed to temperatures of over ca. 500oC during operation. For all the materials under study the carbon activity at 600oC is given as calculated by the CALPHAD method, and a correlation is shown to exist between the carbon activity and the total chromium content. This correlation can be used as a most general alternative in the selection of filler metals or consumable electrodes in the design of dissimilar weld joints. The primary goal of the paper is, however, to present a more sophisticated alternative based on a mutual comparison of the temperature dependence of the carbon activities of the base alloys, filler metals and consumable electrodes under consideration. This alternative is suitable for routine engineering purposes. Attention is also drawn to the currently most advanced alternative, which enables predicting the redistribution of elements and phases after prolonged exposure
Czech abstract
V presentovaném příspěvku je popsán termodynamický přístup, který lze uplatnit při návrzích heterogenních svarů žáropevných ferritických ocelí.. Důležitým aspektem tohoto přístupu k návrhům svarů založeného na porovnávání aktivity uhlíku je, že není v rozporu s běžnou praxí založenou na porovnávání obsah chromu. Naopak staví tento přístup na více sofistifikovanou úroveň. Uvedený přistup prohlubuje znalosti o svařování rozdílných ocelí tím, že je založen na nepokročilejších teoretických představách a modelech fází pro popis chování vícesložkových soustav s několika koexistujícími fázemi v materiálech na bázi železa
English abstract
In the paper, steels are studied that are mostly used in technical practice as base materials, filler metals, and consumable electrodes in the design of dissimilar weld joints. These steels differ mainly in the content of Cr, Mo, V, W, and N. It is explained and emphasized in the paper that the effect cannot be underrated of thermodynamics, diffusion and phase transformations on the stability of dissimilar weld joints that are exposed to temperatures of over ca. 500oC during operation. For all the materials under study the carbon activity at 600oC is given as calculated by the CALPHAD method, and a correlation is shown to exist between the carbon activity and the total chromium content. This correlation can be used as a most general alternative in the selection of filler metals or consumable electrodes in the design of dissimilar weld joints. The primary goal of the paper is, however, to present a more sophisticated alternative based on a mutual comparison of the temperature dependence of the carbon activities of the base alloys, filler metals and consumable electrodes under consideration. This alternative is suitable for routine engineering purposes. Attention is also drawn to the currently most advanced alternative, which enables predicting the redistribution of elements and phases after prolonged exposure
Keywords in Czech
elektrody, varové kovy, CALPHAD, ferit, DICTRA
Keywords in English
Consumable, Weld metal, Electrode, CALPHAD, Ferrite, DICTRA
RIV year
Science and Technology of Welding and Joinig
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Jiří {Sopoušek} and Rudolf {Foret},
title="More Sophisticated Thermodynamic Designs of Welds between Dissimilar Steels",
journal="Science and Technology of Welding and Joinig",