Publication detail

Processing of medium carbon steel by hot pressing prior ECAP


Czech title

Zpracování středně uhlíkové oceli metodou ECAP

English title

Processing of medium carbon steel by hot pressing prior ECAP


journal article - other



Original abstract

Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development. Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development. Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development. Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development. Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development.

Czech abstract

Štruktúra stredneuhlíkovej ocele bola spracovaná pred aplikáciou extrémnej deformácie s využitím kanálového pretláčania pomocou aplikácie temomechanického spracovania. Výsledkom a cieľom tohto spracovania bolo získanie jemnejšej štruktúry ocele s modifikovaným cementitom pred následnou aplikáciou extrémnej deformácie. Stabilita štruktúry vytvorenej ultrajemnej bola overená v podmienkach zvýšenej teplote extrémnej deformácie. Štruktúra stredneuhlíkovej ocele bola spracovaná pred aplikáciou extrémnej deformácie s využitím kanálového pretláčania pomocou aplikácie temomechanického spracovania. Výsledkom a cieľom tohto spracovania bolo získanie jemnejšej štruktúry ocele s modifikovaným cementitom pred následnou aplikáciou extrémnej deformácie. Stabilita štruktúry vytvorenej ultrajemnej bola overená v podmienkach zvýšenej teplote extrémnej deformácie.

English abstract

Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development. Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development. Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development. Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development. Medium carbon steel prior to subjecting severe plastic deformation was thermomechanically treated in order to modified the initial grain size and morphology of cementite particles. The further structure modification of the steel was obtained during the equal channel angular pressing at increased temperature using the effective strain 3. The thermal stability qnd mechanical properties of the deformed steel were related to ultrafine grained structure development.

Keywords in Czech

ECAP,středněuhlíková ocel

Keywords in English

ECAP,medium carbon steel

RIV year














Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jozef {Zrník} and Jiří {Švejcar},
  title="Processing of medium carbon steel by hot pressing prior ECAP",