Publication detail
Importance of mathematical analysis of the retina image in diabetic retinopathy. Importance of mathematical analysis of the retina image in diabetic retinopathy
Czech title
Význam matematického zpracování obrazu sítnice u diabetické retinopatie
English title
Importance of mathematical analysis of the retina image in diabetic retinopathy. Importance of mathematical analysis of the retina image in diabetic retinopathy
journal article - other
Original abstract
The authors test whether for evaluation of the severity of diabetic retinopathy it is possible to use the method of computer assisted mathematical processing of the retinal image. This method is based on the identification of vascular endings in the visualized part of the retina. It is assumed that with the severity of the finding the number of vascular endings increases in conjunction with the process of neogenesis. For assessment of the number of vascular endings the authors use the Adaptive Contrast Control (ACC) method. By a special procedure the vascular endings are identified and their number is assessed in the investigated area of the retina. The method makes it possible to assess in addition to the number of vascular endings also the total length of the vessels, their volume, surface, area they cover and the histogram of the diameter of the vessels. The authors examined 19 patients (38 eyes) with a quite normal finding on the retina. The mean age of the group was 37.3 years. Moreover they examined 10 patients (20 eyes) with middle advanced and advanced non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and 10 patients (20 eyes) with risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In every patient a standard digital photograph of the fundus of both eyes size "tif" was made and each picture was subjected to mathematical analysis. The group of patients was divided into three sub-groups (patients with a normal finding, a non-proliferative finding and a finding of proliferative diabetic retinopathy). In the conclusion the authors provide evidence that with increasing severity of the finding on the retina also the number of vascular endings increases.
Czech abstract
Vpráci autoři ověřují, zda při hodnocení stupně závažnosti diabetické retinopatie lzevyužítmetodumatematickéhozpracování obrazusítnicepomocí počítače.Tato metoda je založena na identifikaci cévních zakončení v zobrazené oblasti sítnice. Je stanoven předpoklad, že s růstem závažnosti nálezu roste i počet cévních zakončení ve spojitosti s procesem neogeneze. Ke zjištění počtu cévních zakončení autoři používajímetodiku Adaptive Contrast Control (ACC). Speciálním postupem jsou identifikována cévní zakončení a je stanoven jejich počet na sledované ploše sítnice. Metoda umožňuje určit kromě počtu cévních zakončení také celkovou délku cév, jejich objem, povrch, plochu, kterou pokrývají, a histogram velikosti průměru cév. Bylo vyšetřeno 19 pacientů (38 očí) se zcela fyziologickým nálezem na sítnici. Průměrný věk v souboru byl 37,3 roku. Dále bylo vyšetřeno 10 pacientů (20 očí) se středně pokročilou a pokročilou diabetickou retinopatií a 10 pacientů (20 očí) s rizikovou proliferativní diabetickou retinopatií. U každého pacienta byla provedena standardní digitální fotografie očního pozadí obou očí ve formátu tiff a každý ze snímků byl podroben matematické analýze. Soubor pacientů byl rozdělen na 3 skupiny (pacienti s fyziologickým nálezem, nálezem neproliferativní a nálezem proliferativní diabetické retinopatie). Vzávěru autoři prokazují, že se zvyšujícím se stupněmzávažnosti nálezu na retině roste i počet cévních zakončení.
English abstract
The authors test whether for evaluation of the severity of diabetic retinopathy it is possible to use the method of computer assisted mathematical processing of the retinal image. This method is based on the identification of vascular endings in the visualized part of the retina. It is assumed that with the severity of the finding the number of vascular endings increases in conjunction with the process of neogenesis. For assessment of the number of vascular endings the authors use the Adaptive Contrast Control (ACC) method. By a special procedure the vascular endings are identified and their number is assessed in the investigated area of the retina. The method makes it possible to assess in addition to the number of vascular endings also the total length of the vessels, their volume, surface, area they cover and the histogram of the diameter of the vessels. The authors examined 19 patients (38 eyes) with a quite normal finding on the retina. The mean age of the group was 37.3 years. Moreover they examined 10 patients (20 eyes) with middle advanced and advanced non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and 10 patients (20 eyes) with risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In every patient a standard digital photograph of the fundus of both eyes size "tif" was made and each picture was subjected to mathematical analysis. The group of patients was divided into three sub-groups (patients with a normal finding, a non-proliferative finding and a finding of proliferative diabetic retinopathy). In the conclusion the authors provide evidence that with increasing severity of the finding on the retina also the number of vascular endings increases.
Keywords in English
diabetic retinopathy, image processing
Česká Lékařská Společnost J. Ev. Purkyně
Česká a slovenská oftalmologie
Pages count
author="Petr {Kolář} and Pavel {Štarha} and Dobroslav {Hájek} and Eva {Vlková} and Miloslav {Druckmüller},
title="Importance of mathematical analysis of the retina image in diabetic retinopathy. Importance of mathematical analysis of the retina image in diabetic retinopathy",
journal="Česká a slovenská oftalmologie",
publisher="Česká Lékařská Společnost J. Ev. Purkyně",