Publication detail

Experimental-computational Modelling of Damage of Steel reinforced Rubber Composite


Czech title

Experimentálně-výpočtové modelování poškození kompozitů pryž-ocelové vlákno

English title

Experimental-computational Modelling of Damage of Steel reinforced Rubber Composite


conference paper



Original abstract

The paper deals with experimental and computational evaluation of adhesion between rubber and steel wire or steel wire rope used in production of tyres. The measured rip-out forces for samples with various ropes structures and various joint lengths show that the forces are influenced only by several millimetres of the joint near the end of the rope. Further, adhesive forces in samples with a steel wire rope are much lower than in samples with only one wire, which has the same total dimensions as the rope. Computational models using FEM system ANSYS have shown that the stress state character in the concentration region near the end of the wire is very strange, different from the other composites: the values of all the three principal stresses are nearly the same. The influence of notches on limit states is investigated as well.

Czech abstract

Článek se zabývá experimentálním a výpočtovým hodnocením adheze mezi pryží a ocelovým drátem nebo lankem. Změřené vytrhovací síly vlákna z pryže jsou od jisté délky spoje nezávislé na jeho délce, což potvrzuje i výpočtové modelování.

English abstract

The paper deals with experimental and computational evaluation of adhesion between rubber and steel wire or steel wire rope used in production of tyres. The measured rip-out forces for samples with various ropes structures and various joint lengths show that the forces are influenced only by several millimetres of the joint near the end of the rope. Further, adhesive forces in samples with a steel wire rope are much lower than in samples with only one wire, which has the same total dimensions as the rope. Computational models using FEM system ANSYS have shown that the stress state character in the concentration region near the end of the wire is very strange, different from the other composites: the values of all the three principal stresses are nearly the same. The influence of notches on limit states is investigated as well.

Keywords in Czech

vláknový kompozit, výpočtové modelování, adhezní síla

Keywords in English

fibre composite, computational modelling, adhesion force

RIV year





FIT UT Trenčín, Matador Púchov






Theoretical and Experimental Problems of Materials Engineering

Pages count



  author="Jiří {Burša},
  title="Experimental-computational Modelling of Damage of Steel reinforced Rubber Composite",
  booktitle="Theoretical and Experimental Problems of Materials Engineering",
  publisher="FIT UT Trenčín, Matador Púchov",