Publication detail

Assessment of impact of the fragmentation warhead to the aircraft

English title

Assessment of impact of the fragmentation warhead to the aircraft


conference paper



Original abstract

For assessment of impact of the fragmentation warhead to the particular aircraft is necessary to determine impacted area on the aircraft and arrangement of warhead fragments in this area. Calculation was made using equations of analytical geometry, which are describing shape of the aircraft and dispersion of the warhead fragments.

English abstract

For assessment of impact of the fragmentation warhead to the particular aircraft is necessary to determine impacted area on the aircraft and arrangement of warhead fragments in this area. Calculation was made using equations of analytical geometry, which are describing shape of the aircraft and dispersion of the warhead fragments.




New challanges in the field of military science 2006 - 4th international conference, Budapešť: Bolyai János Military Technical Faculty of Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University


  author="Miroslav {Lošťák},
  title="Assessment of impact of the fragmentation warhead to the aircraft",
  booktitle="New challanges in the field of military science 2006 - 4th international conference, Budapešť: Bolyai János Military Technical Faculty of Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University",