Publication detail

Turbulence Forcing Scheme In Physical Space Bassed On Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process


Czech title

Turbulence Forcing Scheme In Physical Space Bassed On Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process

English title

Turbulence Forcing Scheme In Physical Space Bassed On Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process


conference paper



Original abstract

New turbulence forcing scheme is introduced in this work. This scheme operates in physical space. The main idea of this scheme is generating a force in every time step of simulation in particular points in the computational domain and this force is than added to momentum equations. The force is generated using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process. The main feature of this process is that the force generated in next time step is not independent on the previous value (the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck is so called Markov process). So there is a correlation in the history of the generated force. It is suitable to use this force for generating turbulence because of this correlation. The developed forcing scheme was tested on the case of turbulent channel flow. Method for solution was Large Eddy Simulation with subgrid kinetic energy subgrid model. The results presented in this work are for low Reynolds number channel flow. For this case are the results in a good agreement with DNS data.

Czech abstract

New turbulence forcing scheme is introduced in this work. This scheme operates in physical space. The main idea of this scheme is generating a force in every time step of simulation in particular points in the computational domain and this force is than added to momentum equations. The force is generated using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process. The main feature of this process is that the force generated in next time step is not independent on the previous value (the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck is so called Markov process). So there is a correlation in the history of the generated force. It is suitable to use this force for generating turbulence because of this correlation. The developed forcing scheme was tested on the case of turbulent channel flow. Method for solution was Large Eddy Simulation with subgrid kinetic energy subgrid model. The results presented in this work are for low Reynolds number channel flow. For this case are the results in a good agreement with DNS data.

English abstract

New turbulence forcing scheme is introduced in this work. This scheme operates in physical space. The main idea of this scheme is generating a force in every time step of simulation in particular points in the computational domain and this force is than added to momentum equations. The force is generated using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process. The main feature of this process is that the force generated in next time step is not independent on the previous value (the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck is so called Markov process). So there is a correlation in the history of the generated force. It is suitable to use this force for generating turbulence because of this correlation. The developed forcing scheme was tested on the case of turbulent channel flow. Method for solution was Large Eddy Simulation with subgrid kinetic energy subgrid model. The results presented in this work are for low Reynolds number channel flow. For this case are the results in a good agreement with DNS data.

Keywords in Czech

Turbulence forcing, Large Eddy Simulation, Channel Flow

Keywords in English

Turbulence forcing, Large Eddy Simulation, Channel Flow

RIV year











CFD 2010

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jaroslav {Volavý} and Matěj {Forman} and Miroslav {Jícha},
  title="Turbulence Forcing Scheme In Physical Space Bassed On Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process",
  booktitle="CFD 2010",