Publication detail
Surface Tension Model for High Viscosity Ratios implemented in VOF model
Czech title
Model povrchového napětí pro VOF model pro vysoké poměry viskozit
English title
Surface Tension Model for High Viscosity Ratios implemented in VOF model
conference paper
Original abstract
In this paper, a new surface tension model suitable for Volume of Fluid (VOF) model is introduced. The VOF model was designed many years ago in order to be solved by FVM. Nowadays, it is used in most of commercial CFD packages, e.g., ANSYS FLUENT, ANSYS CFX, and has the capability to simulate surface tension effects. However, when surface tension is dominant, i.e., Capillary or Weber number is low; it gives rather spurious cur-rents that can cripple a velocity field in a whole domain. In VOF, the interface between the primary and the sec-ondary phases is tracked on a fixed grid. In reality, surface tension acts as a surface force, however, here, it must be imposed as a body force into momentum equations.
Czech abstract
Tento příspěvek pojednává o novém modelu povrchového napětí určeného pro VOF model, který byl navržen pro metodu konečných objemů. Většina současných balíčků CFD umožňuje simulovat efekty sil od povrchového napětí, avšak pro nízká Weberova čísla dochází ke vzniku parazitních proudů , které výrazně ovlivňují celkové rychlostní pole. Byly testovány čtyři různé výstupy pro výpočet normál a křivostí mezifázového rozhraní. Dále byl navržen jiný způsob pro výpočet křivosti povrchu a zdrojový člen pro povrchové napětí do pohybových rovnic a byla zvážena implementace tohoto modelu do rovnic Predictor a Corector výpočtového algorytmu.
English abstract
In this paper, a new surface tension model suitable for Volume of Fluid (VOF) model is introduced. The VOF model was designed many years ago in order to be solved by FVM. Nowadays, it is used in most of commercial CFD packages, e.g., ANSYS FLUENT, ANSYS CFX, and has the capability to simulate surface tension effects. However, when surface tension is dominant, i.e., Capillary or Weber number is low; it gives rather spurious cur-rents that can cripple a velocity field in a whole domain. In VOF, the interface between the primary and the sec-ondary phases is tracked on a fixed grid. In reality, surface tension acts as a surface force, however, here, it must be imposed as a body force into momentum equations.
Keywords in Czech
povrchové napětí, VOF model, kapka, CSF model
Keywords in English
surface tension, VOF model, droplet, CSF model
RIV year
Proceedings of 23rd European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Jan {Boháček},
title="Surface Tension Model for High Viscosity Ratios implemented in VOF model",
booktitle="Proceedings of 23rd European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems",