Publication detail
In-Line Heat Treatment and Hot Rolling
Czech title
In-Line Heat Treatment and Hot Rolling
English title
In-Line Heat Treatment and Hot Rolling
conference paper
Original abstract
In-line heat treatment of rolled materials is becoming increasingly used at hot rolling plants. The advantage of this method is the achievement of required material structure without the necessity of reheating. This paper describes a design procedure for cooling sections for the purpose of obtaining the required structure and mechanical properties. The procedure is typically used for the cooling of tubes, rails, long products and plates.An experimental stand designed for the study of cooling steel samples has been built at the Brno University of Technology. The stand comprises a movable trolley containing a test sample which moves under the spray at a given velocity. Sensors indicate the temperature history of the tested material. This experimental stand enables simulation of a variety of cooling regimes and evaluates the final structure of tested samples. The same experimental stand is also a tool for use in the design of cooling sections in order to find the required heat treatment procedure and final structure. Examples of the cooling of rails and tubes are given in the paper.
Czech abstract
In-line tepelné zpracování válcovaného materiál se začíná čím dál častěji objevovat na válcovacích tratích. Výhodou této metody je získání požadované struktury materiál bez nutnosti jeho dalšího ohřevu. Tento článek popisuje metodu návrhu chladicích sekcí, které zajistí požadovanou strukturu materiálu. Tento postup je použitelný pro chlazení trubek, kolejnic, profilů a plechů. Na Vysokém učení technickém v Brně byl vybudován stend pro studium chlazení. Zkušební zařízení je tvořeno vozíkem nesoucím vzorek osazený snímači, který projíždí pod sprchovými sekcemi. Zařízení umožňuje studium různých chladicích režimů a studium finálních struktur materiálu. Toto experimentální zařízení může být také použito pro návrh chladicích sekcí, které zajistí požadovanou strukturu. V článku jsou uvedeny příklady chlazení trubek a kolejnic.
English abstract
In-line heat treatment of rolled materials is becoming increasingly used at hot rolling plants. The advantage of this method is the achievement of required material structure without the necessity of reheating. This paper describes a design procedure for cooling sections for the purpose of obtaining the required structure and mechanical properties. The procedure is typically used for the cooling of tubes, rails, long products and plates.An experimental stand designed for the study of cooling steel samples has been built at the Brno University of Technology. The stand comprises a movable trolley containing a test sample which moves under the spray at a given velocity. Sensors indicate the temperature history of the tested material. This experimental stand enables simulation of a variety of cooling regimes and evaluates the final structure of tested samples. The same experimental stand is also a tool for use in the design of cooling sections in order to find the required heat treatment procedure and final structure. Examples of the cooling of rails and tubes are given in the paper.
Keywords in English
heat treatment,hot rolling, in-line cooling, heat transfer, experiment
RIV year
International conference on advances in materials and processing technologies (AMPT2010)
Edition number
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Miroslav {Raudenský} and Jaroslav {Horský} and Milan {Hnízdil} and Petr {Kotrbáček} and Michal {Pohanka},
title="In-Line Heat Treatment and Hot Rolling",
booktitle="International conference on advances in materials and processing technologies (AMPT2010)",