Publication detail

Neural network learning algorithms comparison on numerical prediction of real data


Czech title

Porovnání učících algoritmů neuronových sítí pro predikci reálných dat

English title

Neural network learning algorithms comparison on numerical prediction of real data


conference paper



Original abstract

In this paper we concentrate on prediction of future values based on the past course of a variable, Traditionally this task is solved using statistical analysis – first a time-series model is constructed and then statistical prediction algorithms are applied to it in order to obtain future values. This paper describes two learning algorithms for training Multi-layer perceptron networks, widely known Back propagation learning algorithm and Levenberg- Marquardt algorithm. Both of these methods are applied to solve prediction of real numerical time series represented by Czech household consumption expenditures. Tested dataset includes twenty-eight observations between the years 2001 and 2007. The observations are represented by quarterly data and the goal is to predict three future values for first three quarters of 2008. Predicted values of both experiments are compared with measured values. In the next step, a comparison of neural network topology efficiency regarding to learning algorithms is made.

Czech abstract

Práce je orientována na oblast predikce a optimalizace reálných dat pomocí metod umělých neuronových sítí v rámci rozhodovacího procesu. Jedná se o hledání různých vhodných typů, topologií a učících algoritmů umělých neuronových sítí na řešení predikce reálných datových souborů. Optimalizace je v kontextu řešení práce zaměřena na použité topologie neuronových sítí, optimalizace učících algoritmů a vlastního výpočtu neuronovými sítěmi.

English abstract

In this paper we concentrate on prediction of future values based on the past course of a variable, Traditionally this task is solved using statistical analysis – first a time-series model is constructed and then statistical prediction algorithms are applied to it in order to obtain future values. This paper describes two learning algorithms for training Multi-layer perceptron networks, widely known Back propagation learning algorithm and Levenberg- Marquardt algorithm. Both of these methods are applied to solve prediction of real numerical time series represented by Czech household consumption expenditures. Tested dataset includes twenty-eight observations between the years 2001 and 2007. The observations are represented by quarterly data and the goal is to predict three future values for first three quarters of 2008. Predicted values of both experiments are compared with measured values. In the next step, a comparison of neural network topology efficiency regarding to learning algorithms is made.

Keywords in English

Back Propagation, Levenberg-Marquardt, Prediction of Time Series, Neural Networks

RIV year







Mendel 2010

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Michael {Štencl} and Jiří {Šťastný},
  title="Neural network learning algorithms comparison on numerical prediction of real data",
  booktitle="Mendel 2010",