Publication detail

Lot Streaming in Job Shop Scheduling


English title

Lot Streaming in Job Shop Scheduling


conference paper



Original abstract

Lot streaming is a process of splitting production lots (batches) into smaller transfer lots (sublots, transfer batches) and moving these sublots to the next processing stage so that operations at successive stages can be overlapped. In this paper the following assumptions are considered: Each job (production lot) is divided into equal-sized transfer lots a number of which is the same for all operations. Once a machine is set-up for a job, it cannot be used to process any other job until the processing of all transfer lots is finished. Under these assumptions it is not necessary to model the movement of individual transfer lots. Their start times are derivable from start and completion times of job operation, which can be obtained by means of approach, based on a disjunctive graph model and a modification of the Critical Path Method. It is possible to integrate this approach into any heuristic method for job shop scheduling which uses the disjunctive graph-based representation and the makespan objective.

English abstract

Lot streaming is a process of splitting production lots (batches) into smaller transfer lots (sublots, transfer batches) and moving these sublots to the next processing stage so that operations at successive stages can be overlapped. In this paper the following assumptions are considered: Each job (production lot) is divided into equal-sized transfer lots a number of which is the same for all operations. Once a machine is set-up for a job, it cannot be used to process any other job until the processing of all transfer lots is finished. Under these assumptions it is not necessary to model the movement of individual transfer lots. Their start times are derivable from start and completion times of job operation, which can be obtained by means of approach, based on a disjunctive graph model and a modification of the Critical Path Method. It is possible to integrate this approach into any heuristic method for job shop scheduling which uses the disjunctive graph-based representation and the makespan objective.

Keywords in English

job shop scheduling, lot streaming, disjunctive graph

RIV year





VŠB - TU Ostrava






Proceedings of the XXVI. Seminar ASR’2001 Instruments and Control. VŠB - TU Ostrava

Pages count



  author="Jiří {Dvořák},
  title="Lot Streaming in Job Shop Scheduling",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the XXVI. Seminar ASR’2001 Instruments and Control. VŠB - TU Ostrava",
  publisher="VŠB - TU Ostrava",