Publication detail

Some Decision Support Systems for Project Management


English title

Some Decision Support Systems for Project Management


conference paper



Original abstract

In the Institute of Automation and Computer Science at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Brno, the following decision support systems have been made, which are aimed at the project management of the Czech industry and public administration: The system for multicriterial selection of projects which respects the synergistic effects of the second and third order in criterial functions and in resources requirements, and mutual hierarchy dependence of projects. A special modification of method of effective gradient guarantes the possibility of the elaboration of great number of input data (projects, resource limitations and criterion functions), and a dialogue precision the obtained Optimal Solution, and the adaptive modification of weights of criterion functions. The systems for project management have also created for two-criterial time-cost optimization of project schedule. For optimum distribution of resources, and for project scheduling under the stochastic and fuzzy distribution of duration of activities. These systems serve also for tuition purposes for the education of future creators and users of mathematical methods of project management. Due to some properties the systems surpass the systems available of present and besides this, they bring new views of knowledge in the region of mutual comparison of different methods efficiency.

English abstract

In the Institute of Automation and Computer Science at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Brno, the following decision support systems have been made, which are aimed at the project management of the Czech industry and public administration: The system for multicriterial selection of projects which respects the synergistic effects of the second and third order in criterial functions and in resources requirements, and mutual hierarchy dependence of projects. A special modification of method of effective gradient guarantes the possibility of the elaboration of great number of input data (projects, resource limitations and criterion functions), and a dialogue precision the obtained Optimal Solution, and the adaptive modification of weights of criterion functions. The systems for project management have also created for two-criterial time-cost optimization of project schedule. For optimum distribution of resources, and for project scheduling under the stochastic and fuzzy distribution of duration of activities. These systems serve also for tuition purposes for the education of future creators and users of mathematical methods of project management. Due to some properties the systems surpass the systems available of present and besides this, they bring new views of knowledge in the region of mutual comparison of different methods efficiency.

Keywords in English

multicriterial selection of projects, synergistic effects, method of effective gradient, two-criterial time-cost optimization of project schedule, fuzzy linear programming.

RIV year





Association of European Operational Research Societies


Rotterdam, The Netherlands


EURO 2001, the European Operational Research Conference Rotterdam

Pages count



  author="Jindřich {Klapka},
  title="Some Decision Support Systems for Project Management",
  booktitle="EURO 2001, the European Operational Research Conference Rotterdam",
  publisher="Association of European Operational Research Societies",
  address="Rotterdam, The Netherlands"