Publication detail

Computational Modelling of Dynamic Properties of Long Journal Bearings by using the Bézier Body


English title

Computational Modelling of Dynamic Properties of Long Journal Bearings by using the Bézier Body


conference paper



Original abstract

New theoretical approach to the modelling of dynamic behaviour of the rigid rotating shaft in real liquid is presented in this contribution. The approach is based on application of the Navier-Stokes eq. It is possible to separate the motion of rigid body and liquid from each other using suitable transformation relations and then it is possible to separate the stationary and nonstationary motions from each other. Method of control volumes is used for the analysis and solution is obtained in curvilinear co-ordinate system. The Bézier body is used for description of the geometrical configuration and also for approximation of velocity and pressure functions. The combined ALE (Arbitrary Lagrange – Euler) method is used, because it is necessary to generate new net (perform new meshing) for change of the shaft position. Program system in Matlab code was processed according to previously presented approach. Some results of numerical solution of the model task using both theories are presented

English abstract

New theoretical approach to the modelling of dynamic behaviour of the rigid rotating shaft in real liquid is presented in this contribution. The approach is based on application of the Navier-Stokes eq. It is possible to separate the motion of rigid body and liquid from each other using suitable transformation relations and then it is possible to separate the stationary and nonstationary motions from each other. Method of control volumes is used for the analysis and solution is obtained in curvilinear co-ordinate system. The Bézier body is used for description of the geometrical configuration and also for approximation of velocity and pressure functions. The combined ALE (Arbitrary Lagrange – Euler) method is used, because it is necessary to generate new net (perform new meshing) for change of the shaft position. Program system in Matlab code was processed according to previously presented approach. Some results of numerical solution of the model task using both theories are presented

Keywords in English

journal bearings, Navier-Stokes eq., computational modelling, dynamic of rotor systems

RIV year





Technische universitat




Schwingungen in rotieren maschinen V

Pages count



  author="Eduard {Malenovský} and František {Pochylý},
  title="Computational Modelling of Dynamic Properties of Long Journal Bearings by using the Bézier Body",
  booktitle="Schwingungen in rotieren maschinen V",
  publisher="Technische universitat",