Publication detail

Finite element simulation of mechanical tests of individual cells.


Czech title

Konečnoprvková simulace mechanických zkoušek izolovaných buněk.

English title

Finite element simulation of mechanical tests of individual cells.


conference paper



Original abstract

The threedimensional finite element (FE) model of eucaryotic cell presented in the paper comprehends elements representing cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus, and a complex tensegrity structure representing cytoskeleton. In contrast to the previous models, this tensegrity structure consists of several parts. External and internal parts count 30 struts and 60 cables each and their corresponding nodes are interconnected by 30 radial members; these parts represent cortical, nuclear and deep cytoskeletons, respectively. This arrangement enables us to simulate the load transmission from the extracellular space via membrane receptors (focal adhesions) to the central part of the cell (nucleus, centrosome); this ability of the model was tested by simulation of some mechanical tests of isolated cells, in particular tension test with micropipettes, indentation test and magnetic tweezer test. Although material properties of compo-nents have been defined as realistic as possible on the base of the mechanical tests with vascular smooth muscle cells, they were not identified in fact and are not unique probably. However, simulations of the tests have shown the ability of the model to simulate the global load-deformation response of the cell under various types of loadings, as well as several substan-tial global features of the cell behaviour, e.g. "at a distance effect", non-linear stiffening with increasing load, or linear dependence of stiffness on increasing prestrain.

Czech abstract

Prezentovaný 3D MKP model eukaryotické buňky sestává z prvků reprezentujících membránu, cytpoplazmu a jádro, a ze složité tensegritní struktury reprezentující cytoskelet. Pomocí modelu jsou simulovány různé mechanické zkoušky ižzolovaných buněk.

English abstract

The threedimensional finite element (FE) model of eucaryotic cell presented in the paper comprehends elements representing cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus, and a complex tensegrity structure representing cytoskeleton. In contrast to the previous models, this tensegrity structure consists of several parts. External and internal parts count 30 struts and 60 cables each and their corresponding nodes are interconnected by 30 radial members; these parts represent cortical, nuclear and deep cytoskeletons, respectively. This arrangement enables us to simulate the load transmission from the extracellular space via membrane receptors (focal adhesions) to the central part of the cell (nucleus, centrosome); this ability of the model was tested by simulation of some mechanical tests of isolated cells, in particular tension test with micropipettes, indentation test and magnetic tweezer test. Although material properties of compo-nents have been defined as realistic as possible on the base of the mechanical tests with vascular smooth muscle cells, they were not identified in fact and are not unique probably. However, simulations of the tests have shown the ability of the model to simulate the global load-deformation response of the cell under various types of loadings, as well as several substan-tial global features of the cell behaviour, e.g. "at a distance effect", non-linear stiffening with increasing load, or linear dependence of stiffness on increasing prestrain.

Keywords in Czech

Biomechanika buňky, tensegritní struktura, cytoskelet, mechanické vlastnosti, konečnoprvkový model

Keywords in English

Cell biomechanics, tensegrity structure, cytoskeleton, mechanical properties, finite element model

RIV year







Munich, Germany




IFMBE Proceedings

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jiří {Burša} and Vladimír {Fuis},
  title="Finite element simulation of mechanical tests of individual cells.",
  booktitle="IFMBE Proceedings",
  address="Munich, Germany",