Publication detail

Effective Utilization of Heat in Waste and Biomass Processing


Czech title

Efektivní využití tepla při zpracování odpadu a biomasy

English title

Effective Utilization of Heat in Waste and Biomass Processing


conference paper



Original abstract

Effective utilization of heat in thermal processing of waste and biomass plays an important role since it contributes to environmental and economic optimization of the processes and equipment. In case of utilizing energy released during thermal oxidization (incineration) of municipal solid waste (MSW) or of hazardous waste for generation of process steam or for cogeneration (combined heat and power systems – CHP) we can consider the thermal processing as a certain kind of recycling. Since waste has sufficient heating value, it belongs to renewable energy sources which enable to save fossil fuel as a primary energy source. Then we speak about waste to energy systems (WTE). In addition to environmental benefit, effective utilization of released energy has a positive impact on economics of the process including reduced operating costs. WTE can partially or completely compensate costs of waste treatment (costs of auxiliary fuel for incineration of low calorific industrial and/or hazardous waste) and it can even bring profit to the operator in case of waste with high calorific value.

Czech abstract

Účinné využití tepla při tepelném zpracování odpadu a biomasy hraje důležitou roli, neboť přispívá k ekologické a ekonomické optimalizaci zpracování a zařízení. Při využití energie, která se uvolňuje při tepelné oxidaci (spalování) komunálního odpadu nebo nebezpečného odpadu, lze pak mluvit o jistém druhu recyklování. Jelikož má odpad dostatečnou výhřevnost, patří mezi obnovitelné zdroje energie, což umožňuje šetřit fosilními palivy jakožto primárními zdroji energie. Lze tedy hovořit o systému přeměny odpadu v energy (WTE – waste to energy). Vedle ekologického hlediska stojí za to si povšimnout též ekonomického. WTE může částečně či zcela vykompenzovat náklady na zpracování odpadu.

English abstract

Effective utilization of heat in thermal processing of waste and biomass plays an important role since it contributes to environmental and economic optimization of the processes and equipment. In case of utilizing energy released during thermal oxidization (incineration) of municipal solid waste (MSW) or of hazardous waste for generation of process steam or for cogeneration (combined heat and power systems – CHP) we can consider the thermal processing as a certain kind of recycling. Since waste has sufficient heating value, it belongs to renewable energy sources which enable to save fossil fuel as a primary energy source. Then we speak about waste to energy systems (WTE). In addition to environmental benefit, effective utilization of released energy has a positive impact on economics of the process including reduced operating costs. WTE can partially or completely compensate costs of waste treatment (costs of auxiliary fuel for incineration of low calorific industrial and/or hazardous waste) and it can even bring profit to the operator in case of waste with high calorific value.

Keywords in Czech

využití tepla ze zpracování odpadu a biomasy, přeměna odpadů na energii

Keywords in English

utilization of heat and waste, biomass, WTE

RIV year







Pretoria, South Africa




Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics HEFAT 2008

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Effective Utilization of Heat in Waste and Biomass Processing",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics HEFAT 2008",
  address="Pretoria, South Africa",