Publication detail

Conversion of an old brewery into a 21st century culture and social centre


Czech title

Conversion of an old brewery into a 21st century culture and social centre

English title

Conversion of an old brewery into a 21st century culture and social centre


conference paper



Original abstract

The decision makers in urban planning face very often a dilemma whether to demolish or retrofit old buildings. Such a dilemma had to be solved during the reconstruction of the campus of the Faculty of Information Technologies at the Brno University of Technology. One of the buildings on the campus (a building that used to be a brewery) was in a really bad shape and the question was whether to demolish it and build a new building instead or to put effort and resources into its retrofit. At that time the Brno University of Technology became a participant in the EU 6th framework project BRITA in PuBs (Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application in Public Buildings). The decision was made to retrofit the former brewery into a social and culture within the framework of the demonstration part of the BRITA project. The retrofit of the brewery involved a complete change of the building use profile and all the building systems had to be designed from scratch. Sophisticated control and monitoring of the building equipment by means of the Building Management System is used in the Brewery.

Czech abstract

The decision makers in urban planning face very often a dilemma whether to demolish or retrofit old buildings. Such a dilemma had to be solved during the reconstruction of the campus of the Faculty of Information Technologies at the Brno University of Technology. One of the buildings on the campus (a building that used to be a brewery) was in a really bad shape and the question was whether to demolish it and build a new building instead or to put effort and resources into its retrofit. At that time the Brno University of Technology became a participant in the EU 6th framework project BRITA in PuBs (Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application in Public Buildings). The decision was made to retrofit the former brewery into a social and culture within the framework of the demonstration part of the BRITA project. The retrofit of the brewery involved a complete change of the building use profile and all the building systems had to be designed from scratch. Sophisticated control and monitoring of the building equipment by means of the Building Management System is used in the Brewery.

English abstract

The decision makers in urban planning face very often a dilemma whether to demolish or retrofit old buildings. Such a dilemma had to be solved during the reconstruction of the campus of the Faculty of Information Technologies at the Brno University of Technology. One of the buildings on the campus (a building that used to be a brewery) was in a really bad shape and the question was whether to demolish it and build a new building instead or to put effort and resources into its retrofit. At that time the Brno University of Technology became a participant in the EU 6th framework project BRITA in PuBs (Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application in Public Buildings). The decision was made to retrofit the former brewery into a social and culture within the framework of the demonstration part of the BRITA project. The retrofit of the brewery involved a complete change of the building use profile and all the building systems had to be designed from scratch. Sophisticated control and monitoring of the building equipment by means of the Building Management System is used in the Brewery.

Keywords in Czech

energy retrofitting, building ventilation, environmental technology

Keywords in English

energy retrofitting, building ventilation, environmental technology

RIV year







Kyoto, Japan




The 29th AIVC Conference in 2008

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Pavel {Charvát} and Miroslav {Jícha},
  title="Conversion of an old brewery into a 21st century culture and social centre",
  booktitle="The 29th AIVC Conference in 2008",
  address="Kyoto, Japan",