Publication detail

Numerical Modeling of Street Canyon Particle Re-suspension Driven by Ground Air Velocity and Kinetic Energy of Turbulence


Czech title

Modelování re-suspenze prachových částic řízené přízemní rychlostí a kinetickou energií turbulence v měsských uličních kaňonech

English title

Numerical Modeling of Street Canyon Particle Re-suspension Driven by Ground Air Velocity and Kinetic Energy of Turbulence


conference paper



Original abstract

This paper introduces the numerical modeling of re-suspension of once deposited particles in the studies street canyon located in a large urban area. The CFD code StarCD was used to build up the numerical model of the studied area and perform the calculations. We considered PM10 spherical particles with density 300 kg/m3. An air velocity predicted in the central nods of control volumes just above the ground surface was compared with the threshold re-suspension air velocity. With respect to detail geometry of a ground surface of the studied street canyon, we specified the threshold wind velocity at height of 0.35 m as 0.56 m/s. Three different variants of the driving air velocity calculations were tested. First, only a horizontal component of an air velocity was considered. Second, the driving velocity was expressed as a sum of a mean air velocity and a fluctuation air velocity component. The most realistic results were obtained with the driving velocity expressed as a sum of a mean air velocity and 70% of the fluctuation air velocity component.

Czech abstract

This paper introduces the numerical modeling of re-suspension of once deposited particles in the studies street canyon located in a large urban area. The CFD code StarCD was used to build up the numerical model of the studied area and perform the calculations. We considered PM10 spherical particles with density 300 kg/m3. An air velocity predicted in the central nods of control volumes just above the ground surface was compared with the threshold re-suspension air velocity. With respect to detail geometry of a ground surface of the studied street canyon, we specified the threshold wind velocity at height of 0.35 m as 0.56 m/s. Three different variants of the driving air velocity calculations were tested. First, only a horizontal component of an air velocity was considered. Second, the driving velocity was expressed as a sum of a mean air velocity and a fluctuation air velocity component. The most realistic results were obtained with the driving velocity expressed as a sum of a mean air velocity and 70% of the fluctuation air velocity component.

English abstract

This paper introduces the numerical modeling of re-suspension of once deposited particles in the studies street canyon located in a large urban area. The CFD code StarCD was used to build up the numerical model of the studied area and perform the calculations. We considered PM10 spherical particles with density 300 kg/m3. An air velocity predicted in the central nods of control volumes just above the ground surface was compared with the threshold re-suspension air velocity. With respect to detail geometry of a ground surface of the studied street canyon, we specified the threshold wind velocity at height of 0.35 m as 0.56 m/s. Three different variants of the driving air velocity calculations were tested. First, only a horizontal component of an air velocity was considered. Second, the driving velocity was expressed as a sum of a mean air velocity and a fluctuation air velocity component. The most realistic results were obtained with the driving velocity expressed as a sum of a mean air velocity and 70% of the fluctuation air velocity component.

Keywords in Czech

prachové částice, resuspenze, numerické modelování

Keywords in English

particulate matter, re-suspension, modelling

RIV year





Cambridge Environmental research Consultants, Cambridge, UK


Cambridge, UK




Proceedings of the11th Interantional Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purpose

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jiří {Pospíšil} and Miroslav {Jícha},
  title="Numerical Modeling of Street Canyon Particle Re-suspension Driven by Ground Air Velocity and Kinetic Energy of Turbulence",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the11th Interantional Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purpose",
  publisher="Cambridge Environmental research Consultants, Cambridge, UK",
  address="Cambridge, UK",