Publication detail

The impact of passive cooling of the experimental house on indoor air velocities


Czech title

Dopad pasivního chlazení na rychlosti proudění vzduchu uvnitř experimentálního domu

English title

The impact of passive cooling of the experimental house on indoor air velocities


conference paper



Original abstract

A set of measurements was performed in the experimental house in order to investigate the air velocities and the draft risk in the rooms during passive cooling. The hot-sphere anemometers with the air velocity range of 0.05 – 1 m/s were used for the measurements. The velocities in the air inlets were measured with the anemometer that had a range of 0.1 – 30 m/s. The indoor air velocities were measured at various locations at the height of 0.1 m, 1.1 m, and 1.6 m above the floor level. The 15 second averages of air velocities were recorded in the measurements. The air velocities above the beds were also investigated because passive cooling usually takes place at night. The measured indoor air velocities were relatively low, rarely exceeding 0.3 m/s. The highest velocities occurred at the floor level. Relatively high air velocities were observed in the vicinity of the inlets, but people are not very likely to stay close to the inlets (particularly at night). The air velocities exceeding 5 m/s were observed in the air inlets in some situations.

Czech abstract

Článek se zabývá dopadem pasivního chlazení experimentálního domu intenzivním větráním na rychlost proudění vzduchu uvnitř experimentálního domu a s tím související tepelnou pohodu prostředí. Pro měření rychlosti proudění uvnitř domu byly použity žhavené anemometry s měřicím rozsahem 0.05 – 1 m/s. Pro měření rychlosti proudění vzduchu u vyústek pro přívod vzduchu byl použit žhavený anemometr s měřícím rozsahem 0.1 – 30 m/s. Naměřené rychlosti proudění vzduchu uvnitř domu jen velmi zřídka přesahovaly 0.3 m/s.

English abstract

A set of measurements was performed in the experimental house in order to investigate the air velocities and the draft risk in the rooms during passive cooling. The hot-sphere anemometers with the air velocity range of 0.05 – 1 m/s were used for the measurements. The velocities in the air inlets were measured with the anemometer that had a range of 0.1 – 30 m/s. The indoor air velocities were measured at various locations at the height of 0.1 m, 1.1 m, and 1.6 m above the floor level. The 15 second averages of air velocities were recorded in the measurements. The air velocities above the beds were also investigated because passive cooling usually takes place at night. The measured indoor air velocities were relatively low, rarely exceeding 0.3 m/s. The highest velocities occurred at the floor level. Relatively high air velocities were observed in the vicinity of the inlets, but people are not very likely to stay close to the inlets (particularly at night). The air velocities exceeding 5 m/s were observed in the air inlets in some situations.

Keywords in Czech

pasivní chlazení, nebezpečí průvanu

Keywords in English

passive cooling, indoor air velocities, draught rating

RIV year





ČVUT Praha






XXVI. Setkání kateder mechaniky tekutin a termomechaniky - Sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference.

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Pavel {Charvát} and Marek {Scholler} and Josef {Štětina},
  title="The impact of passive cooling of the experimental house on indoor air velocities",
  booktitle="XXVI. Setkání kateder mechaniky tekutin a termomechaniky - Sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference.",
  publisher="ČVUT Praha",