Publication detail

Crack propagation criteria for the crack terminating on the interface of a thin orthotropic layer and an orthotropic substrate.


Czech title

Crack propagation criteria for the crack terminating on the interface of a thin orthotropic layer and an orthotropic substrate.

English title

Crack propagation criteria for the crack terminating on the interface of a thin orthotropic layer and an orthotropic substrate.


conference paper



Original abstract

The contribution discusses possible approach for the formulation of fracture criteria for the general stress concentrators – especially a surface crack terminating at the interface of two dissimilar orthotropic media. The classical differential analysis is unsuitable due to the discontinuity in the elastic properties which leads on the interface to a zero or infinite energy release rates. Theory of the Finite Fracture Mechanic is used to overcome this problem (crack increase of finite length is used instead of the infinitesimal one). The three possibilities of the crack propagation are taken into the consideration – crack deflection (single or double) and a penetration of the crack across the interface into the substrate. The so-called matched asymptotic procedure in combination with FEM is used for the calculation of appropriate changes of potential energy caused by the fracture.

Czech abstract

The contribution discusses possible approach for the formulation of fracture criteria for the general stress concentrators – especially a surface crack terminating at the interface of two dissimilar orthotropic media. The classical differential analysis is unsuitable due to the discontinuity in the elastic properties which leads on the interface to a zero or infinite energy release rates. Theory of the Finite Fracture Mechanic is used to overcome this problem (crack increase of finite length is used instead of the infinitesimal one). The three possibilities of the crack propagation are taken into the consideration – crack deflection (single or double) and a penetration of the crack across the interface into the substrate. The so-called matched asymptotic procedure in combination with FEM is used for the calculation of appropriate changes of potential energy caused by the fracture.

English abstract

The contribution discusses possible approach for the formulation of fracture criteria for the general stress concentrators – especially a surface crack terminating at the interface of two dissimilar orthotropic media. The classical differential analysis is unsuitable due to the discontinuity in the elastic properties which leads on the interface to a zero or infinite energy release rates. Theory of the Finite Fracture Mechanic is used to overcome this problem (crack increase of finite length is used instead of the infinitesimal one). The three possibilities of the crack propagation are taken into the consideration – crack deflection (single or double) and a penetration of the crack across the interface into the substrate. The so-called matched asymptotic procedure in combination with FEM is used for the calculation of appropriate changes of potential energy caused by the fracture.

Keywords in Czech

crack propagation criteria, deflection, interface, anisotropic

Keywords in English

crack propagation criteria, deflection, interface, anisotropic

RIV year





Institute of thermomechanics Academy of science of the Czech Republic






Engineering Mechanics 2007

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Oldřich {Ševeček} and Tomáš {Profant} and Michal {Kotoul},
  title="Crack propagation criteria for the crack terminating on the interface of a thin orthotropic layer and an orthotropic substrate.",
  booktitle="Engineering Mechanics 2007",
  publisher="Institute of thermomechanics Academy of science of the Czech Republic",