Publication detail

Attainment of more precise parameters of a mathematical model for cooling flat and cylindrical hot surfaces by nozzles


Czech title

Dosažení přesnějších parametrů matematického modelu pro chlazení a ploché válcové horkých povrchů trysek

English title

Attainment of more precise parameters of a mathematical model for cooling flat and cylindrical hot surfaces by nozzles


conference paper



Original abstract

Small air-mist nozzles used in continuous casting process were tested to determine the intensity of cooling. These nozzles are used in the secondary cooling casting equipment. The first distribution was measured impact pressure. Intensity measurements were carried out with different cooling temperature of the cooling water. Cooling water temperature ranged from 20 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Celsius. It has been surprising conclusion, it was found that the temperature of the cooling water has a strong influence. Most positions were affected Leidenfrostovy temperature, which has shifted towards lower temperatures. Range of cooling water temperature from 20 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Celsius caused the displacement Leidenfrostovy temperature of 130 degrees Celsius. This significant change and can change the nature of the die casting machine. It was also discovered an interesting fact, which increases the cooling intensity by increasing the temperature of the cooling water in areas with high temperature (above Leidenfrostovou temperature) makes very little difference in the cooling intensity (about 30 watts per squere meter Kelvin and čtvrečný). Surprisingly, a significant difference was found in Leidenfrostově temperature in the situation where the temperature difference between the water was only 20 degrees Celsius. This difference was almost 100 degrees Celsius. Experiments with increased temperature showed a high sensitivity cooling on this variable. The relationship between the temperature of the cooling water and cooling intensity is especially important at high intensities.

Czech abstract

Malé vodovzdušné trysky použité v procesu kontinuální lití byly testovány pro stanovení intensity chlazení. Tyto trysky byly použity v oblasti sekundárního chlazení licího zařízení. Jako první byla měřena distribuce impaktního tlaku. Byly provedeny měření intensity chlazení s různými teplotami chladící vody. Teplota chladící vody se pohybovala od 20 stupňů Celsia do 80 stupňů Celsia. Byl učiněn překvapivý závěr, kdy bylo zjištěno, že teplota chladící vody má silný vliv. Nejvíce byla ovlivněna pozice Leidenfrostovy teploty, která se posunula, směre k nižším teplotám. Rozsah teplot chladící vody od 20 stupňů Celsia do 80 stupňů Celsia způsobilo posunutí Leidenfrostovy teploty o 130 stupňů Celsia. Tato významná změna a může způsobit změnu charakteru licího stroje. Byla také zjištěna zajímavá skutečnost, kdy zvýšení chladící intenzity způsobena zvýšením teploty chladící vody v oblastech s vysokou teplotou (nad Leidenfrostovou teplotou) způsobuje velice malý rozdíl v chladící intenzitě (okolo 30 Wattů na metr čtvrečný a Kelvin). Překvapivě byl zjištěn značný rozdíl v Leidenfrostově teplotě v situaci, kdy rozdíl teploty vody byl pouze 20 stupňů Celsia. Tento rozdíl byl skoro 100 stupňů Celsia. Experimenty se zvýšenou teplotou ukázaly vysokou citlivost chlazení na tuto proměnnou. Vztah mezi teplotou chladící vody a intenzitou chlazení je především důležitý při vysokých intenzitách.

English abstract

Small air-mist nozzles used in continuous casting process were tested to determine the intensity of cooling. These nozzles are used in the secondary cooling casting equipment. The first distribution was measured impact pressure. Intensity measurements were carried out with different cooling temperature of the cooling water. Cooling water temperature ranged from 20 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Celsius. It has been surprising conclusion, it was found that the temperature of the cooling water has a strong influence. Most positions were affected Leidenfrostovy temperature, which has shifted towards lower temperatures. Range of cooling water temperature from 20 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Celsius caused the displacement Leidenfrostovy temperature of 130 degrees Celsius. This significant change and can change the nature of the die casting machine. It was also discovered an interesting fact, which increases the cooling intensity by increasing the temperature of the cooling water in areas with high temperature (above Leidenfrostovou temperature) makes very little difference in the cooling intensity (about 30 watts per squere meter Kelvin and čtvrečný). Surprisingly, a significant difference was found in Leidenfrostově temperature in the situation where the temperature difference between the water was only 20 degrees Celsius. This difference was almost 100 degrees Celsius. Experiments with increased temperature showed a high sensitivity cooling on this variable. The relationship between the temperature of the cooling water and cooling intensity is especially important at high intensities.

Keywords in Czech

matematický model, chlazení

Keywords in English

mathematical model, cooling

RIV year





WIT Press


Madrid, Spain




Advanced Computational methods in Heat Transfer VI

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Michal {Pohanka} and Miroslav {Raudenský} and Jaroslav {Horský},
  title="Attainment of more precise parameters of a mathematical model for cooling flat and cylindrical hot surfaces by nozzles",
  booktitle="Advanced Computational methods in Heat Transfer VI",
  publisher="WIT Press",
  address="Madrid, Spain",