Publication detail

Investment casting of gamma TiAl intermetallics

ZEMČÍK, L. Dlouhý A.

Czech title

Přesné lití intermetalik gama TiAl

English title

Investment casting of gamma TiAl intermetallics


conference paper



Original abstract

The paper deals with physical and chemical analyses of the evaporation of aluminium from a TiAl melt, with reactions between the melt and the refractories of crucibles, and with reactions between the melt and residual gases in the vacuum furnace chamber. The present study introduces a 1D model of the heat flow in a system composed of a TiAl intermetallic casting, a ceramic shell mould and the vacuum furnace environment. Furthermore, a 1D model of the thermal strain in the casting-mould system during cooling to room temperature is also presented. The parametric study aimed at minimizing thermal stresses provided the optimum initial mould temperatures and cooling kinetics of the system mould-TiAl castings resulted in macroscopically sound castings that were free of macrocracks.

Czech abstract

Práce obsahuje termodynamickou analýzu reakcí roztavené slitiny TiAl s žárovzdorninami kelímků, keramických forem a s atmosférou vakuové pece. V práci je dále uveden 1D model vedení tepla v soustavě odlitek TiAl – keramická skořepina a na něj navazující 1D model vzniku napjatosti v odlitku. Vytvořené modely umožňují optimalizaci základních licích parametrů (počáteční teplota formy, licí teplota, režim ochlazování odlitků) poskytujících minimální napětí v odlitku během ochlazování.

English abstract

The paper deals with physical and chemical analyses of the evaporation of aluminium from a TiAl melt, with reactions between the melt and the refractories of crucibles, and with reactions between the melt and residual gases in the vacuum furnace chamber. The present study introduces a 1D model of the heat flow in a system composed of a TiAl intermetallic casting, a ceramic shell mould and the vacuum furnace environment. Furthermore, a 1D model of the thermal strain in the casting-mould system during cooling to room temperature is also presented. The parametric study aimed at minimizing thermal stresses provided the optimum initial mould temperatures and cooling kinetics of the system mould-TiAl castings resulted in macroscopically sound castings that were free of macrocracks.

Keywords in Czech

přesné lití, žáruvzdornina

Keywords in English

castings, intermetallics

RIV year





UCEAT Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers






12th International Metallurgy-Materials Congress and Fair

Edition number


Pages count



  author="Ladislav {Zemčík} and Antonín {Dlouhý},
  title="Investment casting of gamma TiAl intermetallics",
  booktitle="12th International Metallurgy-Materials Congress and Fair",
  publisher="UCEAT Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers",