Publication detail

Ways to reach the suitable spatial temperature distribution


Czech title

Způsoby dosažení vhodného prostorového rozložení teplot

English title

Ways to reach the suitable spatial temperature distribution


conference paper



Original abstract

This paper deals with comparsion of ways to reach the spatial temperature spread inside the living and working spaces and spaces for industrial or technological use, like a drying chambers and sterilizers. Temperature fields are researching in space by thermocouples and on surface by infrared camera, at room model and in real spaces. In each of this rooms we require a different temperature distribution. In living rooms is tendency to achieve a thermal comfort. This temperature distribution is achieve practically by floor heating. The another posibility is using classic heating combined with ceiling system of air mixing. This system blocks cumulation of warm air near the ceiling and it helps to suitably spread out the temperature fields. On the other hand, technological spaces, like an sterilizers and drying chambers, mostly need homogenous spatial of temperatures. The reason is observe the same terms in a whole space of technological arrangement. The range of working temperatures inside the technological spaces is frequently different than inside the common rooms. Even requirements humidity, velocity of air and others can be different in all of wider.

Czech abstract

Článek se zabývá způsoby dosažení vhodného prostorového rozložení teplot v obytných prostorách, pracovních prostorách a v prostorách pro technologické použití, jako jsou například sušící a klimatizační komory.

English abstract

This paper deals with comparsion of ways to reach the spatial temperature spread inside the living and working spaces and spaces for industrial or technological use, like a drying chambers and sterilizers. Temperature fields are researching in space by thermocouples and on surface by infrared camera, at room model and in real spaces. In each of this rooms we require a different temperature distribution. In living rooms is tendency to achieve a thermal comfort. This temperature distribution is achieve practically by floor heating. The another posibility is using classic heating combined with ceiling system of air mixing. This system blocks cumulation of warm air near the ceiling and it helps to suitably spread out the temperature fields. On the other hand, technological spaces, like an sterilizers and drying chambers, mostly need homogenous spatial of temperatures. The reason is observe the same terms in a whole space of technological arrangement. The range of working temperatures inside the technological spaces is frequently different than inside the common rooms. Even requirements humidity, velocity of air and others can be different in all of wider.

Keywords in English

temperature distribution, thermal comfort, thermocouples, infrared camera

RIV year





International Academy of Indoor Air Sciences


Peking, Čína




Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate

Edition number


Pages count



  author="David {Novák} and Milan {Pavelek},
  title="Ways to reach the suitable spatial temperature distribution",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate",
  publisher="International Academy of Indoor Air Sciences",
  address="Peking, Čína",