Publication detail

Determination of the calibration coefficients through the FEM for measurement of the uniform residual stress by the hole-drilling method


Czech title

Stanovení kalibračních koeficientů pomocí MKP pro měření zbytkové napjatosti homogenní po hloubce odvrtávací metodou

English title

Determination of the calibration coefficients through the FEM for measurement of the uniform residual stress by the hole-drilling method


conference paper



Original abstract

One of the most used methods for measurement residual stresses is the hole-drilling method. This method is based on drilling a small and shallow hole. If the residual stresses are present then the strain releases, which is usually measured by means of strain gauge rosette. The residual stresses from the strains obtained this way, we can determine by the help of derived equations. In these equations exsert calibration coefficients, which represents a relation between relaxed strain and residual stresses. These coefficients, which are functions to many parameters, is necessery to determine in advance. It is possible to determine them by several ways: analytically, numerically (for example through the finite element method: FEM) and experimentally. This article deals with determination of this coefficient numerically by the FEM for measurement of residual stresses which are uniform by the depth for the strain gauge rosette RY 61 S.

Czech abstract

One of the most used methods for measurement residual stresses is the hole-drilling method. This method is based on drilling a small and shallow hole. If the residual stresses are present then the strain releases, which is usually measured by means of strain gauge rosette. The residual stresses from the strains obtained this way, we can determine by the help of derived equations. In these equations exsert calibration coefficients, which represents a relation between relaxed strain and residual stresses. These coefficients, which are functions to many parameters, is necessery to determine in advance. It is possible to determine them by several ways: analytically, numerically (for example through the finite element method: FEM) and experimentally. This article deals with determination of this coefficient numerically by the FEM for measurement of residual stresses which are uniform by the depth for the strain gauge rosette RY 61 S.

English abstract

One of the most used methods for measurement residual stresses is the hole-drilling method. This method is based on drilling a small and shallow hole. If the residual stresses are present then the strain releases, which is usually measured by means of strain gauge rosette. The residual stresses from the strains obtained this way, we can determine by the help of derived equations. In these equations exsert calibration coefficients, which represents a relation between relaxed strain and residual stresses. These coefficients, which are functions to many parameters, is necessery to determine in advance. It is possible to determine them by several ways: analytically, numerically (for example through the finite element method: FEM) and experimentally. This article deals with determination of this coefficient numerically by the FEM for measurement of residual stresses which are uniform by the depth for the strain gauge rosette RY 61 S.

Keywords in English

hole-drilling method, residual stress, calibration coefficients, relaxed strain, strain gauge rosette, finite element method




Ústav mechaniky těles, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, Vysoké učení technické v Brně


Milovy, Czech Republic




Experimentální analýza napětí 2003

Pages count



  author="Karel {Švaříček},
  title="Stanovení kalibračních koeficientů pomocí MKP pro měření zbytkové napjatosti homogenní po hloubce odvrtávací metodou",
  booktitle="Experimentální analýza napětí 2003",
  publisher="Ústav mechaniky těles, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, Vysoké učení technické v Brně",
  address="Milovy, Czech Republic",