Publication detail
Digestate and woodchips gasification: A comparison of different gasifying agents
Czech title
Zplyňování digestátu a dřevní štěpky: Porovnání různých zplyňovacích médií
English title
Digestate and woodchips gasification: A comparison of different gasifying agents
journal article in Web of Science
Original abstract
Digestate is the secondary product of the fermentation process in biogas plants. The use of digestate as a fertilizer is very common. However, this is more and more limited nowadays and therefore alternative uses for digestate are sought. The research described in this article maps the possibilities of using digestate from the wet fermentation process for the syngas generation. This work is focuses on the gasification of the digestate with spruce chips mixtures. The mixtures were prepared with a proportion of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the digestate. The experiments were carried out on a semi-operational fluidized bed gasifier at atmospheric pressure. The working temperature of the fluidized bed was 810 °C; the gasification was autothermal. The gasification was carried out with three types of gasification agents, i.e. air, air-steam, and oxygen-steam for each fuel mixture. The aim of the research was to assess the effect of the digestate with wood chips on the qualitative and quantitative properties of the syngas. The digestate can be characterized as a secondary energy source reducing the consumption of primary energy sources. The produced syngas is of high quality and the digestate can become a very desirable fuel for the syngas production.
Czech abstract
Digestát je sekundárním produktem fermentačního procesu v bioplynových stanicích. Použití digestátu jako hnojiva je velmi časté. To je však v dnešní době stále více omezeno a proto se hledají alternativní využití digestátu. Výzkum popsaný v tomto článku mapuje možnosti využití digestátu z procesu mokré fermentace pro výrobu syntetického plynu. Tato práce je zaměřena na zplyňování digestátu a smrkové štěpky. Směsi byly připraveny s podílem 0, 25, 50, 75 a 100 % digestátu. Experimenty byly prováděny na poloprovozním zplyňovači s fluidním ložem při atmosférickém tlaku. Pracovní teplota fluidního lože byla 810 °C; zplyňování bylo autotermní. Zplyňování bylo prováděno třemi typy zplyňovacích médií, tj. vzduchem, vzduchem a vodní parou a kyslíkem a párou pro každou palivovou směs. Cílem výzkumu bylo posoudit vliv digestátu s dřevní štěpkou na kvalitativní a kvantitativní vlastnosti syngasu. Digesát lze charakterizovat jako sekundární zdroj energie snižující spotřebu primárních energetických zdrojů. Produkovaný syngas má vysokou kvalitu a digestát se může stát velmi žádaným palivem pro výrobu syngasu.
English abstract
Digestate is the secondary product of the fermentation process in biogas plants. The use of digestate as a fertilizer is very common. However, this is more and more limited nowadays and therefore alternative uses for digestate are sought. The research described in this article maps the possibilities of using digestate from the wet fermentation process for the syngas generation. This work is focuses on the gasification of the digestate with spruce chips mixtures. The mixtures were prepared with a proportion of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the digestate. The experiments were carried out on a semi-operational fluidized bed gasifier at atmospheric pressure. The working temperature of the fluidized bed was 810 °C; the gasification was autothermal. The gasification was carried out with three types of gasification agents, i.e. air, air-steam, and oxygen-steam for each fuel mixture. The aim of the research was to assess the effect of the digestate with wood chips on the qualitative and quantitative properties of the syngas. The digestate can be characterized as a secondary energy source reducing the consumption of primary energy sources. The produced syngas is of high quality and the digestate can become a very desirable fuel for the syngas production.
Keywords in Czech
Digestát, Zplyňování, Zplyňovací média, Kyslík, Pára, Syngas
Keywords in English
Digestate, Gasification, Gasification agents, Oxygen, Steam, Syngas
Pages count
author="Pavel {Milčák} and Marek {Baláš} and Martin {Lisý} and Hana {Lisá} and Petr {Kracík} and Jakub {Lachman},
title="Digestate and woodchips gasification: A comparison of different gasifying agents",