Publication detail
Analysis of spherical chips after grinding
Czech title
Analýza kulových třísek po broušení
English title
Analysis of spherical chips after grinding
journal article in Web of Science
Original abstract
Grinding is a conventional technological operation necessary for the manufacturing of mechanical parts of precise shapes and sizes with high demands on surface roughness. The machining is done with a tool with an undefined cutting-edge geometry composed of individual hard grains which are connected by a binder. Small cross-section chips form during machining with the grains. These chips undergo great plastic deformations and suffer a heating of such magnitude due to the inner and outer friction that it causes melting and a subsequent forming of a metal ball. The goal of this study is to analyse these balls – chips after grinding, formed during the machining of D2 tool steel with an Al2O3 grinding wheel. 4 types of balls were found and examined. A focused ion beam was employed to sputter a part which allowed the study of their inner area. An analysis of the chemical content was carried out both on the outside and the inside of the ball. The carried-out analysis led to the discovery of two new types of balls that form after grinding. The analysis brought new findings about the types of chips after grinding and, as such, this study will contribute to a more thorough understanding of the grinding process.
Czech abstract
Broušení je konvenčních technologická operace, která je nezbytná pro výrobu přesných tvarů a rozměrů strojírenských součástí, které mají také vysoké požadavky na drsnost povrchu. Obrábění probíhá pomocí nástroje s nedefinovanou geometrii břitu složeného z jednotlivých tvrdých zrna spojených pojivem. Při obrábění těmito jednotlivými zrny vznikají třísky velmi malého průřezu, u kterých v důsledku velkých plastických deformací, vnitřního a vnějšího tření dojte k takovému ohřátí, že způsobí roztavení a následné vytvoření kuličky kovu. Cílem této studie byla analýza těchto kuliček – třísek po broušení, vzniklých při obrábění D2 tool steel brousicím kotoučem z Al2O3. Celkem byly nalezeny a studovány 4 druhy kuliček, přičemž byla pomocí fokusovaného iontového svazku odprášena jejich část, což umožnilo studium i jejich vnitřního prostoru. Také byla provedena analýza chemického složení vnějšku i vnitřku kuličky. Na základě provedených analýz bylo zjištěno, že byly objeveny dva zcela nové typy kuliček po broušení.
English abstract
Grinding is a conventional technological operation necessary for the manufacturing of mechanical parts of precise shapes and sizes with high demands on surface roughness. The machining is done with a tool with an undefined cutting-edge geometry composed of individual hard grains which are connected by a binder. Small cross-section chips form during machining with the grains. These chips undergo great plastic deformations and suffer a heating of such magnitude due to the inner and outer friction that it causes melting and a subsequent forming of a metal ball. The goal of this study is to analyse these balls – chips after grinding, formed during the machining of D2 tool steel with an Al2O3 grinding wheel. 4 types of balls were found and examined. A focused ion beam was employed to sputter a part which allowed the study of their inner area. An analysis of the chemical content was carried out both on the outside and the inside of the ball. The carried-out analysis led to the discovery of two new types of balls that form after grinding. The analysis brought new findings about the types of chips after grinding and, as such, this study will contribute to a more thorough understanding of the grinding process.
Keywords in Czech
grinding; chips; spherical chips; dendridický povrch; duté třísky
Keywords in English
grinding; chips; spherical chips; dendritic surface; hollow chips
Pages count
author="Kateřina {Mouralová} and Radim {Zahradníček} and Libor {Beneš} and Jiří {Fries},
title="Analysis of spherical chips after grinding",