Publication detail

Synthetic auxin herbicide 2,4-D and its influence on a model BY-2 suspension


Czech title

Syntetický auxinový herbicid 2,4-D a jeho vliv na modelovou suspenzi BY-2

English title

Synthetic auxin herbicide 2,4-D and its influence on a model BY-2 suspension


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

2,4-D is a broadly used auxin herbicide. The presence of the 2,4-D synthetic auxin in the medium is imperative for long-term BY-2 tobacco suspension viability. The precise mechanism of this symbiosis of the suspension and the synthetic auxin remains unclear. Our goal was to study the hormonal regulation of the growth of the cell suspension; and to describe the experiments clarifying the interaction between the chosen growth regulators and phytohormones on the cellular level, specifically between the 2,4-D synthetic auxin and the native stress phytohormone — ethylene. This study examined the influence of low 2,4-D concentrations stimulating cell growth in vitro as well as the influence of high herbicide concentrations on the model tobacco BY-2 suspension. The culture took 6 days. Different parameters were evaluated, including the influence of different 2,4-D concentrations on the production of the phytohormone ethylene and its precursor 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) in the tobacco cells. The content of 2,4-D in the cells and the medium was established. The observations of the morphological changes showed that a heavy impregnation of the cell walls taking place depending on the concentration of 2,4-D. A dramatic increase in protective polysaccharides and a remodulation of the cell walls by the formation of a pectin shield in artificial conditions were expected and observed. At the same time, massive production of the stress phytohormone ethylene took place, and, because of that, plant mutagenicity, anomalous tumour-type proliferation growth, and the production of supercells were observed. The hypothesis of the protective shield is discussed.

Czech abstract

2,4-D je široce využívaný herbicid auxinového charakteru. Pro dlouhodobé udržení životnosti tabákové suspenze BY-2 je nezbytná přítomnost syntetického auxinu 2,4-D v médiu; přesný mechanismus této „symbiozy“ suspenze a syntetického auxinu ale stále není objasněn. Naším cílem bylo studovat hormonální regulaci růstu buněčné suspenze a popsat experimentální zásahy vedoucí k objasnění interakce mezi vybranými růstovými regulátory a fytohormony na buněčné úrovni, konkrétně mezi syntetickým auxinem 2,4,-D a nativním stresovým fytohormonem etylénem. V této studii byl testován jak vliv nízkých koncentrací 2,4-D stimulující buněčný růst in vitro, tak vliv vysokých herbicidních koncentrací na tabákovou modelovou suspenzi BY-2. Během experimentů byly během 6-denní kultivace hodnoceny různé parametry včetně vlivu různých koncentrací 2,4-D na produkci fytohormonu etylénu a jeho prekurzoru 1 aminocyklopropan-1-karboxylic acid (ACC) tabákovými buňkami. Dále byl stanoven obsah 2,4-D v buňkách a médiu. Z výsledků pozorování morfologických změn bylo zjištěno, že dochází k masivní impregnaci buněčných stěn v závislosti na koncentraci 2,4-D, tudíž lze hypoteticky předpokládat dramatické zvyšování ochranných polysacharidů a remodulaci buněčných stěn tvorbou gelového štítu v umělých podmínkách. Současně docházelo k masivní produkci stresového fytohormonu etylénu, a proto vzhledem k těmto skutečnostem předpokládáme rostlinnou mutagenitu, anomální tumor-type proliferation growth a produkci superbuněk; hypotéza ochranného štítu je diskutována.

English abstract

2,4-D is a broadly used auxin herbicide. The presence of the 2,4-D synthetic auxin in the medium is imperative for long-term BY-2 tobacco suspension viability. The precise mechanism of this symbiosis of the suspension and the synthetic auxin remains unclear. Our goal was to study the hormonal regulation of the growth of the cell suspension; and to describe the experiments clarifying the interaction between the chosen growth regulators and phytohormones on the cellular level, specifically between the 2,4-D synthetic auxin and the native stress phytohormone — ethylene. This study examined the influence of low 2,4-D concentrations stimulating cell growth in vitro as well as the influence of high herbicide concentrations on the model tobacco BY-2 suspension. The culture took 6 days. Different parameters were evaluated, including the influence of different 2,4-D concentrations on the production of the phytohormone ethylene and its precursor 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) in the tobacco cells. The content of 2,4-D in the cells and the medium was established. The observations of the morphological changes showed that a heavy impregnation of the cell walls taking place depending on the concentration of 2,4-D. A dramatic increase in protective polysaccharides and a remodulation of the cell walls by the formation of a pectin shield in artificial conditions were expected and observed. At the same time, massive production of the stress phytohormone ethylene took place, and, because of that, plant mutagenicity, anomalous tumour-type proliferation growth, and the production of supercells were observed. The hypothesis of the protective shield is discussed.

Keywords in Czech

BY-2 buněčná suspenze; 2,4-dichlorfenoxyacetic kyselina; 2,4-D; ethylene; rostlinná mutagenita; pektinový štít

Keywords in English

BY-2 cell suspension; 2,4-dichlorfenoxyacetic acid; 2,4-D; ethylene; plant mutagenicity; pectin shield











Pages count



  author="Kateřina {Mouralová},
  title="Synthetic auxin herbicide 2,4-D and its influence on a model BY-2 suspension ",