Publication detail

Computer modeling of the vocal folds function based on the “bubbles” principle


English title

Computer modeling of the vocal folds function based on the “bubbles” principle


conference paper



Original abstract

There have been several modified versions of the vocal folds function described in literature. They share a common predominant view whose central idea is an expressive effect of Bernoulli´s underpressure produced within the space of the glottis at an increased speed of the airflow which passes between the vocal folds in motion. In the version of the vocal folds function an important role is played by the flowing air alone and its variable parameters (pressure, speed and mass). Due to the numerous weak points identified regarding these principles there has been a new principle defined and developed, preliminarily called the „compressed air bubbles“, in short „bubbles“. The contribution describes this new functional model of generating loud vowels. The plane finite-element model of the vocal folds function has been used for verification of the compressed air bubble principle. The basic parameters of the model are the characteristics of the subglottal pressure in relation to the glottis gap, and further the spectral and modal properties of the vocal folds model structure.

English abstract

There have been several modified versions of the vocal folds function described in literature. They share a common predominant view whose central idea is an expressive effect of Bernoulli´s underpressure produced within the space of the glottis at an increased speed of the airflow which passes between the vocal folds in motion. In the version of the vocal folds function an important role is played by the flowing air alone and its variable parameters (pressure, speed and mass). Due to the numerous weak points identified regarding these principles there has been a new principle defined and developed, preliminarily called the „compressed air bubbles“, in short „bubbles“. The contribution describes this new functional model of generating loud vowels. The plane finite-element model of the vocal folds function has been used for verification of the compressed air bubble principle. The basic parameters of the model are the characteristics of the subglottal pressure in relation to the glottis gap, and further the spectral and modal properties of the vocal folds model structure.

Keywords in English

vocal folds, vocal tract, voice, function




International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering




3rd European Medical&Biological Engineering Conference




11, 2005

Edition number


Pages count



  author="Vojtěch {Mišun},
  title="Computer modeling of the vocal folds function based on the “bubbles” principle",
  booktitle="3rd European Medical&Biological Engineering Conference",
  number="11, 2005",
  publisher="International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering",