Publication detail

Influence of Oxide Scale on Cooling Intensity of Laminar Cooling


Czech title

Vliv oxide okují na intenzitu chlazení

English title

Influence of Oxide Scale on Cooling Intensity of Laminar Cooling


summary research report - contract. research



Original abstract

The goal of the project was to explain creation of hard structures arising in the rolled plate at the plant MAnnesmann. It was confirmed, that the oxide scales of differnece thickness influence the cooling intenzity

Czech abstract

Cílem projektu bylo vysvětlit vznik tvrdých struktur ve válcovaném plechu na válcovně Mannesmann. Byla experimentálně studována možnost, že oxidické vrstvy různých tlouštěk mají výrazný vliv na zintenzivnění chlazení.

English abstract

The goal of the project was to explain creation of hard structures arising in the rolled plate at the plant MAnnesmann. It was confirmed, that the oxide scales of differnece thickness influence the cooling intenzity

Keywords in Czech

Oxidické okuje, chladicí intenzita ,Laminar chlazení

Keywords in English

Oxide Scale ,Cooling Intensity ,Laminar Cooling



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