Publication detail

Mathematical models for machining optimization of Ampcoloy 35 with different thicknesses using WEDM to improve the surface properties of mould parts


Czech title

Matematické modely pro obrábění Ampcoloy 35 o různých tloušťkách pomocí WEDM pro zlepšení povrchových vlastností částí forem

English title

Mathematical models for machining optimization of Ampcoloy 35 with different thicknesses using WEDM to improve the surface properties of mould parts


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is an unconventional machining technology that can be used to machine materials with a minimum electrical conductivity. The technology is often employed in the automotive industry, as it makes it possible to produce mould parts of complex shapes. Copper alloys are commonly used as a electrodes for their high thermal conductivity. The subject of this study was creating mathematical models for machining optimization of Ampcoloy 35 with different thicknesses (ranging from 5 to 160 mm with a step of 5 mm) using WEDM to improve the surface properties of mould parts.The Box-Behnken type experiment was used with a total of 448 samples produced. The following machining parameters were altered over the course of the experiment: Pulse on and off time, Discharge current, and material thickness. The cutting speed was measured and the topography of the machined surfaces in the centre and at the margins of the samples, were analysed. The morphology and subsurface layer were also studied. What makes this study unique is the large number of the tested thicknesses, ranging from 5 to 160 mm with a step of 5 mm. The contribution of this study to the automotive industry and plastic injection mould production is therefore significant. The regression models for cutting speed and surface topography allow for efficient defect-free machining of Ampcoloy 35 of 5-160 mm thicknesses, both in the surface and subsurface layer.

Czech abstract

Elektroerozivní drátové řezání (WEDM) je nekonvenční technologie obrábění, kterou je možné použít pro obrábění všech alespoň minimálně elektricky vodivých materiálů. Své uplatnění nalézá také v automobilovém průmyslu, kde je díky ní možné vyrábět díly forem složitých tvarů obvykle z měděných slitin a to kvůli jejich vysoké tepelné vodivosti. Předmětem této studie byla optimalizace WEDM obrábění měděné slitiny Ampcoloy 35 o tloušťkách 5-160 mm s krokem 5 mm pomocí plánovaného experimentu typu Box-Behnkenova, kdy bylo vyrobeno celkem 448 vzorků. V průběhu experimentu byly měněny tyto vstupní parametry nastavení stroje: Pulse on time, Pulse off time a Discharge current a také tloušťka materiálu. Byla měřena rychlost řezání, analyzována topografie obrobených povrchů ve středu i na okrajích vzorků a také byla studována morfologie a podpovrchová vrstva. Sestavené regresní modely pro rychlost řezání i topografii povrchu umožňují efektivně obrábět tloušťky 5-160 mm materiálu Ampcoloy 35 bez defektů a to jak v povrchové tak podpovrchové vrstvě.

English abstract

Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is an unconventional machining technology that can be used to machine materials with a minimum electrical conductivity. The technology is often employed in the automotive industry, as it makes it possible to produce mould parts of complex shapes. Copper alloys are commonly used as a electrodes for their high thermal conductivity. The subject of this study was creating mathematical models for machining optimization of Ampcoloy 35 with different thicknesses (ranging from 5 to 160 mm with a step of 5 mm) using WEDM to improve the surface properties of mould parts.The Box-Behnken type experiment was used with a total of 448 samples produced. The following machining parameters were altered over the course of the experiment: Pulse on and off time, Discharge current, and material thickness. The cutting speed was measured and the topography of the machined surfaces in the centre and at the margins of the samples, were analysed. The morphology and subsurface layer were also studied. What makes this study unique is the large number of the tested thicknesses, ranging from 5 to 160 mm with a step of 5 mm. The contribution of this study to the automotive industry and plastic injection mould production is therefore significant. The regression models for cutting speed and surface topography allow for efficient defect-free machining of Ampcoloy 35 of 5-160 mm thicknesses, both in the surface and subsurface layer.

Keywords in Czech

WEDM; topografie povrchu; rychlost řezání; Ampcoloy; plánovaný experiment; parametry obrábění

Keywords in English

WEDM; surface topography; cutting speed; Ampcoloy; design of experiment; machining parameters













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Pages count



  author="Kateřina {Mouralová} and Josef {Bednář} and Libor {Beneš} and Tomáš {Prokeš} and Radim {Zahradníček} and Jiří {Fries},
  title="Mathematical models for machining optimization of Ampcoloy 35 with different thicknesses using WEDM to improve the surface properties of mould parts ",