Publication detail

Source voice characteristics of the artificial vocal folds


Czech title

Charakteristiky zdrojového hlasu umělých hlasivek.

English title

Source voice characteristics of the artificial vocal folds


conference paper



Original abstract

Specialised literature presents a number of models describing the function of the vocal folds. In most of those models an emphasis is placed on the effect of Bernoulli's air underpressure during the air passage through the glottis. The author defines a principle of the vocal folds function with a working version name "principle of the compressed air bubble". The paper deals with the experimental analysis of these artificial vocal folds and, first of all, with the properties and characteristics of the source voices generated by them. The main forces acting on the vocal folds during phonation are as follows : subglottal air pressure, elastic and inertia forces of the vocal folds structure.

Czech abstract

V odborné literatuře je k dispozici řada modifikovaných verzí modelů funkce hlasivek. Všechny vychází ze stejného pohledu na funkci hlasivek, jehož ústřední myšlenkou je výrazný vliv Bernoulliho efektu. Autor definoval nový princip funkce hlasivek pracovně nazván principem bublin tlakového vzduchu, zkráceně principem bublin. Příspěvek se zabývá experimentální analýzou umělých hlasivek, především charakteristikami jejich zdrojovým hlasem. Hlavní síly, působící na hlasivky při fonaci jsou: subglotický tlak, pružné a setrvačné síly struktury hlasivek.

English abstract

Specialised literature presents a number of models describing the function of the vocal folds. In most of those models an emphasis is placed on the effect of Bernoulli's air underpressure during the air passage through the glottis. The author defines a principle of the vocal folds function with a working version name "principle of the compressed air bubble". The paper deals with the experimental analysis of these artificial vocal folds and, first of all, with the properties and characteristics of the source voices generated by them. The main forces acting on the vocal folds during phonation are as follows : subglottal air pressure, elastic and inertia forces of the vocal folds structure.

Keywords in Czech

Umělé hlasivky; vokální trakt; hlas.

Keywords in English

Artificial vocal folds; vocal tract; voice.

RIV year





Firenze Univerzity Press


Firenze, Italy




3rd International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications.

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Vojtěch {Mišun},
  title="Source voice characteristics of the artificial vocal folds",
  booktitle="3rd International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications.",
  publisher="Firenze Univerzity Press",
  address="Firenze, Italy",