Publication detail

Analysis of the effect of material thickness during the WEDM processon cutting speed, topography and morphology


Czech title

Analýza vlivu tloušťky materiálu při WEDM na rychlost řezání, topografii a morfologii

English title

Analysis of the effect of material thickness during the WEDM processon cutting speed, topography and morphology


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is an unconventional machining technology that is indispensable in many industries. Machining is performed using the thermoelectric principle, while it is possible to machine all at least minimally electrically conductive materials. Due to the wide range of applications of WEDM, it is necessary to ensure the appropriate quality of machined surfaces, regardless of the thickness of the machined materials, while maintaining an acceptable cutting speed. For this purpose, this study was performed to analyse the effect of material thickness on the cutting speed, morphology and topography of Ampcoloy 35 material. In this study, thicknesses from 5 to 160 mm were analysed in 5 mm increments with the same machine parameter settings. The surface topography and morphology were studied using electron and light microscopy, and cross-sections of the sample were created to examine the condition of the subsurface layer. It was found that the values of Ra at the edge ranged from 1.8 to 3.2 µm and in the middle of the sample from 1.7 to 3 µm, while the trend of increasing Ra with thickness is not visible. It is clear from the morphology analysis that a rugged surface with more craters was created at the edges than in the middle of the sample, while segregated lead needles were also formed at the edges of the samples.

Czech abstract

Elektroerozivní drátové řezání (WEDM) je nekonvenční technologie obrábění, která je nepostradatelná v mnoha průmyslových odvětvích. Obrábění probíhá pomocí termoelektrického principu, přičemž je možné obrábět všechny alespoň minimálně elektricky vodivé materiály. Vzhledem k širokým oblastem využití WEDM je nutné zajistit i vhodnou jakost obrobených povrchů nehledě na tloušťku obráběným materiálů s udržením přijatelné rychlosti řezání. Za tímto účelem byla provedena tato studie analyzující vliv tloušťky materiálu na rychlost řezání, morfologii a topografii materiálu Ampcoloy 35. V rámci této studie byly analyzovány tloušťky od 5 do 160 mm s krokem 5 mm se stejným nastavením parametrů stroje. Byla studována topografie povrchu a morfologie užitím elektronové i světelné mikroskopie, přičemž byly vytvořeny příčné řezy vzorky pro zkoumání stavu podpovrchové vrstvy. Bylo zjištěno, že hodnoty Ra na okraji se pohybovaly v intervalu od 1.8 do 3.2 µm a ve středu vzorku od 1.7 do 3 µm, přičemž není viditelný trend rostoucího Ra s tloušťkou. Z analýzy morfologie je zřejmé, že na okrajích vznikla členitá plocha s větším množstvím kráterů, než je tomu uprostřed vzorku, přičemž na okrajích vzorků vznikly také vysegregované jehlice olova

English abstract

Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is an unconventional machining technology that is indispensable in many industries. Machining is performed using the thermoelectric principle, while it is possible to machine all at least minimally electrically conductive materials. Due to the wide range of applications of WEDM, it is necessary to ensure the appropriate quality of machined surfaces, regardless of the thickness of the machined materials, while maintaining an acceptable cutting speed. For this purpose, this study was performed to analyse the effect of material thickness on the cutting speed, morphology and topography of Ampcoloy 35 material. In this study, thicknesses from 5 to 160 mm were analysed in 5 mm increments with the same machine parameter settings. The surface topography and morphology were studied using electron and light microscopy, and cross-sections of the sample were created to examine the condition of the subsurface layer. It was found that the values of Ra at the edge ranged from 1.8 to 3.2 µm and in the middle of the sample from 1.7 to 3 µm, while the trend of increasing Ra with thickness is not visible. It is clear from the morphology analysis that a rugged surface with more craters was created at the edges than in the middle of the sample, while segregated lead needles were also formed at the edges of the samples.

Keywords in Czech

WEDM;elektroerozivní obrábění; tloušťka; topografie; morfologie

Keywords in English

WEDM; electrical discharge machining; thickness; topography; morphology




Sage Publishing







Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Kateřina {Mouralová} and Libor {Beneš} and Tomáš {Prokeš} and Josef {Bednář} and Radim {Zahradníček} and Jiří {Fries},
  title="Analysis of the effect of material thickness during the WEDM processon cutting speed, topography and morphology",
  publisher="Sage Publishing",