Publication detail

Heat exchanger network optimisation considering different shell-side flow arrangements

Li, N. Klemeš, J.J. Sunden, B. Wang, Q. Zeng, M.

English title

Heat exchanger network optimisation considering different shell-side flow arrangements


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

Heat exchanger network synthesis (HENS) is an effective tool for heat recovery in chemical and petrochemical industries. This study aims to show a method for HENS with the consideration of different shell-side flow arrangements in shell-and-tube heat exchangers. The proposed MINLP model is modified from the stage-wise superstructure model, incorporating newly developed correlations for shell-side pressure drop calculation for the helical baffle. The objective is to minimise the total annual cost (TAC) with a trade-off between the cost of different shell-side heat exchangers, utility cost, and pumping cost. The selection of baffle design is decided by the saved pumping cost and the increased area cost. The proposed model is tested from different points of view: with/without utility constraints and different statuses of the streams. Three case studies are presented and compared with the results from the literature. The proposed method with different shell-side baffles can reduce the heat transfer area and pressure drop. For fixed utility consumptions, the TAC in a case study is decreased by 8.9% with mixed baffle types. Although the unit per area cost of the helical baffle is higher than the segmental baffle, the increased investment cost could be compensated by the reduced operation cost, especially for plants with high viscosity streams and long-term cost-saving.

English abstract

Heat exchanger network synthesis (HENS) is an effective tool for heat recovery in chemical and petrochemical industries. This study aims to show a method for HENS with the consideration of different shell-side flow arrangements in shell-and-tube heat exchangers. The proposed MINLP model is modified from the stage-wise superstructure model, incorporating newly developed correlations for shell-side pressure drop calculation for the helical baffle. The objective is to minimise the total annual cost (TAC) with a trade-off between the cost of different shell-side heat exchangers, utility cost, and pumping cost. The selection of baffle design is decided by the saved pumping cost and the increased area cost. The proposed model is tested from different points of view: with/without utility constraints and different statuses of the streams. Three case studies are presented and compared with the results from the literature. The proposed method with different shell-side baffles can reduce the heat transfer area and pressure drop. For fixed utility consumptions, the TAC in a case study is decreased by 8.9% with mixed baffle types. Although the unit per area cost of the helical baffle is higher than the segmental baffle, the increased investment cost could be compensated by the reduced operation cost, especially for plants with high viscosity streams and long-term cost-saving.

Keywords in English

Heat exchanger network; Mathematical programming; Optimisation; Pressure drop; Shell-and-tube heat exchanger




Elsevier Ltd





Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jiří {Klemeš},
  title="Heat exchanger network optimisation considering different shell-side flow arrangements",
  publisher="Elsevier Ltd",