Publication detail

Solution to problems caused by associated non-quadratic yield functions with respect to the ductile fracture


Czech title

Řešení problémů způsobených sdruženými nekvadratickými funkcemi plasticity vzhledem k tvárnému porušování

English title

Solution to problems caused by associated non-quadratic yield functions with respect to the ductile fracture


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

Accurate material behaviour and its response to loading are needed for a reliable calibration of ductile failure criteria. Non-quadratic yield functions are often necessary for such a description. Nevertheless, it leads to the prediction of stress states that are inconsistent with the expected behaviour and deformations that are in contradiction with the experiments when the associated flow rule is adopted. These problems may be solved by applying a less restrictive non-associated flow rule. Therefore, an isotropic non-associated non-quadratic phenomenological plasticity model was developed as a function of the second and third invariants of deviatoric stress tensor. The yield function that is convex was proposed to allow for different yield stresses in tension, compression and shear. For simplicity, the same function was used for the plastic potential. Each of these functions is described by seven material parameters. The scheme of the so-called next increment corrects error method was adopted for the implementation of the proposed model within finite elements. Above that, three additional plasticity models were calibrated for 2024-T351 aluminium alloy. It is shown how the non-associated flow rule resolves the above-mentioned problems. Moreover, the possible extensions of the proposed yield function are described to include the hydrostatic stress dependence.

Czech abstract

Přesný popis chování materiálu a jeho odezva na zatěžování jsou potřeba pro věrohodnou kalibraci kritérií tvárného porušování. Pro takový popis jsou často potřeba nekvadratické funkce plasticity. To vede nicméně k predikci napěťových stavů, které nejsou konzistentní s očekávaným chováním a deformací, které jsou v rozporu s experimenty, pokud je přijatý sdružený zákon tečení. Proto byl vyvinut izotropní nesdružený nekvadratický fenomenologický model plasticity jako funkce druhého a třetího invariantu deviátoru tenzoru napětí. Funkce plasticity, která je konvexní, byla použita i pro plastický potenciál. Každá z těchto funkcí je popsána sedmi materiálovými parametry. Schéma takzvané metody další přírůstek koriguje chybu bylo přijato pro implementaci navrženého modelu v rámci konečných prvků. Navíc byly kalibrovány tři další modely plasticity pro slitinu hliníku 2024-T351. Je ukázáno, jak nesdružený zákon tečení řeší výše zmíněné problémy. Mimoto jsou popsána možná rozšíření funkce plasticity o zahrnutí závislosti na hydrostatickém napětí.

English abstract

Accurate material behaviour and its response to loading are needed for a reliable calibration of ductile failure criteria. Non-quadratic yield functions are often necessary for such a description. Nevertheless, it leads to the prediction of stress states that are inconsistent with the expected behaviour and deformations that are in contradiction with the experiments when the associated flow rule is adopted. These problems may be solved by applying a less restrictive non-associated flow rule. Therefore, an isotropic non-associated non-quadratic phenomenological plasticity model was developed as a function of the second and third invariants of deviatoric stress tensor. The yield function that is convex was proposed to allow for different yield stresses in tension, compression and shear. For simplicity, the same function was used for the plastic potential. Each of these functions is described by seven material parameters. The scheme of the so-called next increment corrects error method was adopted for the implementation of the proposed model within finite elements. Above that, three additional plasticity models were calibrated for 2024-T351 aluminium alloy. It is shown how the non-associated flow rule resolves the above-mentioned problems. Moreover, the possible extensions of the proposed yield function are described to include the hydrostatic stress dependence.

Keywords in Czech

Dynamika; Explicitní schéma časové integrace; Lodeho parametr; Rovinná napjatost; Triaxialita napětí; Střední napětí

Keywords in English

Dynamics; Explicit time integration scheme; Lode parameter; Plane strain; Stress triaxiality; Mean stress











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Pages count



  author="Radek {Vobejda} and František {Šebek} and Petr {Kubík} and Jindřich {Petruška},
  title="Solution to problems caused by associated non-quadratic yield functions with respect to the ductile fracture",