Publication detail
Fuzzy Metrics in Space of Fuzzy Points
Czech title
Fuzzy metriky na prostoru fuzzy bodů
English title
Fuzzy Metrics in Space of Fuzzy Points
conference paper
Original abstract
The main purpose of this paper is to conceive fuzzy metric spaces as generalisation of metric spaces. We define the distance between two fuzzy points in a fuzzy metric space as a normal fuzzy set in set of non-negative real numbers on the basis of Zadeh’s extension principle. Properties of these fuzzy distances as a suitable partial ordering or a triangle inequality we have formulated in several theorems and illustrated by examples. We have shown that, by fuzzifying a contractive mapping, we will obtain a fuzzy contractive mapping.
Czech abstract
The main purpose of this paper is to conceive fuzzy metric spaces as generalisation of metric spaces. We define the distance between two fuzzy points in a fuzzy metric space as a normal fuzzy set in set of non-negative real numbers on the basis of Zadeh’s extension principle. Properties of these fuzzy distances as a suitable partial ordering or a triangle inequality we have formulated in several theorems and illustrated by examples. We have shown that, by fuzzifying a contractive mapping, we will obtain a fuzzy contractive mapping.
English abstract
The main purpose of this paper is to conceive fuzzy metric spaces as generalisation of metric spaces. We define the distance between two fuzzy points in a fuzzy metric space as a normal fuzzy set in set of non-negative real numbers on the basis of Zadeh’s extension principle. Properties of these fuzzy distances as a suitable partial ordering or a triangle inequality we have formulated in several theorems and illustrated by examples. We have shown that, by fuzzifying a contractive mapping, we will obtain a fuzzy contractive mapping.
Keywords in English
fuzzy metric, fuzzy distance, fuzzy metric space, fuzzy contraction
RIV year
HS Zittau/Gorlitz
Zittau, Germany
Proceedings of East West Fuzzy Colloquium 2004
Pages count
author="Josef {Bednář},
title="Fuzzy Metrics in Space of Fuzzy Points",
booktitle="Proceedings of East West Fuzzy Colloquium 2004",
publisher="HS Zittau/Gorlitz",
address="Zittau, Germany",