Publication detail

3D Fabric Application on Glider Structures


Czech title

Aplikace 3D tkanin na kompozitní konstrukci kluzáku.

English title

3D Fabric Application on Glider Structures


conference paper



Original abstract

A material, called the Paraglass, has been used for the design of the ultralight composite glider, as a substitute for foam at sandwich structure. The material is used as middle lay of all coverings, which are the skin of wing, the fuselage and the tailplane. The advantage of this material is very simple and cheap technology of the structure production. The disadvantage is its weight and density. Before putting into production of aircraft, basic material tests were done to determinate tensile strength and shear behaviour. The test results confirmed behaviour like isotropic panel. On the basis of results of initial tests and analyses, the lamination of the wing skin and fuselage was designed. Both wing and fuselage were tested and they provided the ability to carry ultimate loads.

Czech abstract

Článek informuje o aplikaci 3D tkanin na kompozitní konstrukci kluzáku.

English abstract

A material, called the Paraglass, has been used for the design of the ultralight composite glider, as a substitute for foam at sandwich structure. The material is used as middle lay of all coverings, which are the skin of wing, the fuselage and the tailplane. The advantage of this material is very simple and cheap technology of the structure production. The disadvantage is its weight and density. Before putting into production of aircraft, basic material tests were done to determinate tensile strength and shear behaviour. The test results confirmed behaviour like isotropic panel. On the basis of results of initial tests and analyses, the lamination of the wing skin and fuselage was designed. Both wing and fuselage were tested and they provided the ability to carry ultimate loads.

Keywords in Czech

parabeam, paraglass, pěna, 3D, smykové zkoušky, kompozitní materiál

Keywords in English

parabeam, paraglass, form, 3D, share test, composite material

RIV year





The Royal Aeronautical Society, Australia


Melbourne, Austálie




CD-Rom of Congress proceedings

Pages count



  author="Jaroslav {Juračka},
  title="3D Fabric Application on Glider Structures",
  booktitle="CD-Rom of Congress proceedings",
  publisher="The Royal Aeronautical Society, Australia",
  address="Melbourne, Austálie",