Publication detail
Complex Assessment of Waste Collection Planning: Pre-processing, Heuristics and Implementation of Routing Problem
English title
Complex Assessment of Waste Collection Planning: Pre-processing, Heuristics and Implementation of Routing Problem
Original abstract
The trend in environmental protection resulted in the Circular Economy Package proposed by the EU. It gives the targets for the upcoming years related to the waste management policy. These include recycling rates for different waste types or the restriction of specific waste treatment. New fractions of waste have to be separately collected to fulfil issued goals. Also, increasing urbanization results in a higher concentration of waste at some collection points and generally in cities. Thus, extensive research in logistic systems is needed for optimal decision-making. A suitable method for the allocation of collection points is the requirement for effective waste management planning. The number of collection containers will grow due to implementation and expanding of bio, oil, E-waste, or textile collection. The analysis of allocation should be made based on the required fill-height and the given number of containers. The consequent waste collection belongs to the class of routing problems, which is also modelled. The identification of key parameters of waste collection at the municipal level is an important task. A presented comprehensive approach combines mentioned models, pre-processing phases and data analysis. It includes statistical evaluation of input data, mathematical model formulation, heuristics development and proper algorithm implementation. The whole procedure can be applied at the municipal or micro-regional level depending on the given task and boundary conditions. The presented case studies include allocation of waste containers and daily routing for all vehicles from the available fleet for the specified areas. Results are presented through the visualization in maps and also by quantitative evaluation of the designed solutions. Decisionmaking about the location of collection points and subsequent route chedules substantially influences the expenses of technical services. The designed solution can serve not only to improve the current operational situation but also to allocate containers and create route schedules for newly separated waste types.
English abstract
The trend in environmental protection resulted in the Circular Economy Package proposed by the EU. It gives the targets for the upcoming years related to the waste management policy. These include recycling rates for different waste types or the restriction of specific waste treatment. New fractions of waste have to be separately collected to fulfil issued goals. Also, increasing urbanization results in a higher concentration of waste at some collection points and generally in cities. Thus, extensive research in logistic systems is needed for optimal decision-making. A suitable method for the allocation of collection points is the requirement for effective waste management planning. The number of collection containers will grow due to implementation and expanding of bio, oil, E-waste, or textile collection. The analysis of allocation should be made based on the required fill-height and the given number of containers. The consequent waste collection belongs to the class of routing problems, which is also modelled. The identification of key parameters of waste collection at the municipal level is an important task. A presented comprehensive approach combines mentioned models, pre-processing phases and data analysis. It includes statistical evaluation of input data, mathematical model formulation, heuristics development and proper algorithm implementation. The whole procedure can be applied at the municipal or micro-regional level depending on the given task and boundary conditions. The presented case studies include allocation of waste containers and daily routing for all vehicles from the available fleet for the specified areas. Results are presented through the visualization in maps and also by quantitative evaluation of the designed solutions. Decisionmaking about the location of collection points and subsequent route chedules substantially influences the expenses of technical services. The designed solution can serve not only to improve the current operational situation but also to allocate containers and create route schedules for newly separated waste types.
Keywords in English
Waste Collection; Heuristics; Routing Problem; Bin Allocation; Waste Management Planning; Mathematical Programming
Pages from–to
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