Publication detail

Data Structures and Time Complexity of Algorithms


Czech title

Datové struktury a časová složitost algoritmů

English title

Data Structures and Time Complexity of Algorithms


conference paper



Original abstract

The focus of programming techniques for solving problems of operations research, graph theory, and many others areas is on how to design good algorithms and how to analyse their efficiency. Besides the fact that many problems can be solved more or less efficiently by various algorithms, their implementation efficiency can also be controlled by used data structures. In this paper, we present a simple algorithm for solving the minimum spanning tree problem and its more efficient implementation using a binary heap. This procedure is also used for an approximation algorithm of solving the network Steiner tree problem that belongs to the class of NP-hard problems.

Czech abstract

Středem pozornosti programovacích technik určených k řešení problémů operačního výzkumu, teorie grafů a mnoha dalších oblastí je, jak navrhnout vhodné algoritmy a jak analyzovat jejich efektivitu. Vedle skutečnosti, že mnohé problémy lze řešit více či méně efektivně různými algoritmy, jejich efektivitu lze rovněž ovlivnit použitými datovými strukturami. V příspěvku prezentujeme jednoduchý algoritmus pro řešení problému hledání minimální kostry grafu a jeho efektivnější implementaci využívající binární haldu. Tento algoritmus je dále použit jako aproximace pro řešení Steinerova problému v grafech, který patří do třídy NP-těžkých problémů.

English abstract

The focus of programming techniques for solving problems of operations research, graph theory, and many others areas is on how to design good algorithms and how to analyse their efficiency. Besides the fact that many problems can be solved more or less efficiently by various algorithms, their implementation efficiency can also be controlled by used data structures. In this paper, we present a simple algorithm for solving the minimum spanning tree problem and its more efficient implementation using a binary heap. This procedure is also used for an approximation algorithm of solving the network Steiner tree problem that belongs to the class of NP-hard problems.

Keywords in English

priority queue, binary heap, spanning tree, Steiner tree

RIV year





Slovak University of Technology


Bratislava (Slovakia)




Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Aplimat

Pages count



  author="Miloš {Šeda},
  title="Data Structures and Time Complexity of Algorithms",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Aplimat",
  publisher="Slovak University of Technology",
  address="Bratislava (Slovakia)",