Publication detail

Analysis of the oxide occurrence on WEDM surfaces in relation to subsequent surface treatments


Czech title

Analýza výskytu oxidů na WEDM površích v návaznosti na následné povrchové úpravy

English title

Analysis of the oxide occurrence on WEDM surfaces in relation to subsequent surface treatments


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

Surface treatments are typical surface protection against corrosion or serve to create an attractive appearance for the end customer. However, the surface to which they are applied must be completely oxide-free, otherwise, defects occur which can cause subsequent corrosion or deterioration of the visual appearance of the product. The parts manufactured by wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), however, have a high tendency to oxidize. For this reason, this study was aimed at demonstrating the effect of machine setup parameters (gap voltage, pulse on and off time, wire feed and discharge current) on oxygen occurrence on the surface of two non-metallic (aluminium alloy 7475-T7351, chromium nickel superalloy Inconel 625) and four metallic materials (tool alloy steel X210Cr12, Hadfield steel, Creusabro 4800 and Hardox 400). Within this study, 18 samples were produced, where the chemical composition of EDX was analysed, on the basis of which the effect of these parameters on the surface oxidation was proved.

Czech abstract

Povrchové úpravy jsou typickou ochranou povrchu před korozí či slouží k získání atraktivního vzhledu pro koncového zákazníka. Povrch, na který jsou aplikovány, však musí být zcela bez oxidů, v opačném případě dojde k výskytu defektů, které způsobí následnou korozi, či dojde ke zhoršení vizuálního vzhledu produktu. Díly vyrobené pomocí elektroerozivního drátového řezání (WEDM) však mají vysoký sklon k oxidaci. Z toho důvodu byla tato studie zaměřena na prokázání vlivu nastavení parametrů stroje (gap voltage, pulse on and off time, wire feed and discharge current) na výskyt kyslíku na povrchu dvou nekovových (hliníková slitina 7475-T7351, chromniklová superslitina Inconel 625) a čtyř kovových materiálů (nástrojová legovaná ocel X210Cr12, Hadfieldova ocel, Creusabro 4800 a Hardox 400). V rámci této studie bylo vyrobeno celkem 18 vzorků, na kterých byla provedena analýza chemického složení EDX, na základě které byl prokázán vliv těchto parametrů na oxidaci povrchu.

English abstract

Surface treatments are typical surface protection against corrosion or serve to create an attractive appearance for the end customer. However, the surface to which they are applied must be completely oxide-free, otherwise, defects occur which can cause subsequent corrosion or deterioration of the visual appearance of the product. The parts manufactured by wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), however, have a high tendency to oxidize. For this reason, this study was aimed at demonstrating the effect of machine setup parameters (gap voltage, pulse on and off time, wire feed and discharge current) on oxygen occurrence on the surface of two non-metallic (aluminium alloy 7475-T7351, chromium nickel superalloy Inconel 625) and four metallic materials (tool alloy steel X210Cr12, Hadfield steel, Creusabro 4800 and Hardox 400). Within this study, 18 samples were produced, where the chemical composition of EDX was analysed, on the basis of which the effect of these parameters on the surface oxidation was proved.

Keywords in Czech

WEDM, elektroerozivni obrabeni, EDX, oxid, povrchova uprava, parametry obrabeni

Keywords in English

WEDM, electrical discharge machining, EDX, oxide, surface treatment, machining parameters




Sage Journals


Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska







Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Kateřina {Mouralová} and Tomáš {Prokeš} and Libor {Beneš},
  title="Analysis of the oxide occurrence on WEDM surfaces in relation to subsequent surface treatments",
  publisher="Sage Journals",
  address="Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska",