Publication detail

The Influence of the Structure of Heat Transfer Surfaces on Polymeric Hollow Fibre Heat Exchangers


Czech title

Vliv struktury teplosměnné plochy u polymerních výměníků tepla z dutých vláken

English title

The Influence of the Structure of Heat Transfer Surfaces on Polymeric Hollow Fibre Heat Exchangers





Original abstract

Polymeric hollow fibre heat exchangers are the new alternative to common metal heat exchangers. These heat exchangers provide such advantages as low weight, corrosion resistance, easy shaping and machining. Moreover, they consume less energy during their production. Therefore, they are environmentally friendly. The paper deals with the shell & tube heat exchangers which consist of hundreds of polymeric hollow fibres. The structure of the heat transfer surfaces has a significant influence on the effectivity of the use of a heat transfer area that is formed by the polymeric hollow fibres. The presented study gives the comparison of the heat exchangers with an identical outer volume. The difference between them is in the structure of the heat transfer insert. One of the presented heat exchangers has the fibres that are parallel to each other and the second heat exchanger has the fibres that are crossed by 45° across the layers. The study also pays attention to the differential pressures and their difference caused by the difference in the structure of the heat transfer surfaces.

Czech abstract

Polymerní výměníky tepla z dutých vláken jsou alternativou běžných kovových výměníků tepla. Mezi jejich hlavní výhody patří jejich nízká hmotnost, korozivzdornost, snadné tvarování a obrábění. Příspěvek se zabývá vlivem struktury teplosměnné plochy na přenos tepla uvnitř tepelných výměníků z polymerních dutých vláken. Srovnává výsledky kotlových výměníků, jeden má vlákna uspořádána paralelně a ten druhý pod úhlem 45°.

English abstract

Polymeric hollow fibre heat exchangers are the new alternative to common metal heat exchangers. These heat exchangers provide such advantages as low weight, corrosion resistance, easy shaping and machining. Moreover, they consume less energy during their production. Therefore, they are environmentally friendly. The paper deals with the shell & tube heat exchangers which consist of hundreds of polymeric hollow fibres. The structure of the heat transfer surfaces has a significant influence on the effectivity of the use of a heat transfer area that is formed by the polymeric hollow fibres. The presented study gives the comparison of the heat exchangers with an identical outer volume. The difference between them is in the structure of the heat transfer insert. One of the presented heat exchangers has the fibres that are parallel to each other and the second heat exchanger has the fibres that are crossed by 45° across the layers. The study also pays attention to the differential pressures and their difference caused by the difference in the structure of the heat transfer surfaces.

Keywords in Czech

Polymerní dutá vlákna; tepelný výměník; přenos tepla.

Keywords in English

Polymeric hollow fibre; heat exchanger; heat transfer.








ERIN 2019

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count