Publication detail

Investigation into Primary Break Up of Conical Liquid Sheets Produced by a Pressure Swirl Gasoline Direct Injector.


Czech title

Výzkum primární atomizace konického kapalného filmu produkovaného vysokotlakým vířivým GDI vstřikovačem

English title

Investigation into Primary Break Up of Conical Liquid Sheets Produced by a Pressure Swirl Gasoline Direct Injector.


conference paper



Original abstract

The fuel break up and atomisation processes in the near nozzle region of a second generation high pressure-swirl direct injection gasoline fuel injector have been characterised. The Phase Doppler technique has been used to measure the axial and radial droplet velocities and the resultant flow angles of the fuel droplets. Mean estimates based on time bin averaging the data over 20 microsecond time bins have shown that, during the transient formation of the hollow fuel cone there is a distinct high frequency fluctuation in the mean flow angle. Images of the spray cone have confirmed the fluctuations found by the PDA analysis and suggest that the phenomenon is due to waves in the spray cone which can be attributed to the instabilities behind the break up of the conical liquid sheet.

Czech abstract

Je zkoumána atomizace paliva v blízkosti trysky u druhé generace vysokotlakého GDI vstřikovače Pro měření axiální a radiální rychlosti a výsledného úhlu proudění kapek spreje je použita PDA technika. Střední odhady založené na hodnocení dat v časových úsecích po 20us ukazují vysokofrekvenční fluktuaci úhlu kuželu spreje ve počáteční fázi vstřiku. Vizualizace tyto výsledky potvrzuje a naznačuje, že je tento jev spojen s nestabilitami při rozpadu kapalného filmu.

English abstract

The fuel break up and atomisation processes in the near nozzle region of a second generation high pressure-swirl direct injection gasoline fuel injector have been characterised. The Phase Doppler technique has been used to measure the axial and radial droplet velocities and the resultant flow angles of the fuel droplets. Mean estimates based on time bin averaging the data over 20 microsecond time bins have shown that, during the transient formation of the hollow fuel cone there is a distinct high frequency fluctuation in the mean flow angle. Images of the spray cone have confirmed the fluctuations found by the PDA analysis and suggest that the phenomenon is due to waves in the spray cone which can be attributed to the instabilities behind the break up of the conical liquid sheet.

Keywords in Czech

chybejici klicova slova v CJ, Micek 10. 1. 2006

Keywords in English

spray quality, liquid break up, pressure swirl gasoline direct injector, spray cone

RIV year





Laboratoire de Combustion et Systemes Reactifs, CNRS Orleans


Orleans, France


Proceedings 20th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems

Pages count



  author="Jan {Jedelský},
  title="Investigation into Primary Break Up of Conical Liquid Sheets Produced by a Pressure Swirl Gasoline Direct Injector.",
  booktitle="Proceedings 20th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems",
  publisher="Laboratoire de Combustion et Systemes Reactifs, CNRS Orleans",
  address="Orleans, France"