Publication detail

Analysis of cut orientation through half-finished product using WEDM


Czech title

Analýza orientace řezu polotovarem užitím WEDM

English title

Analysis of cut orientation through half-finished product using WEDM


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is anon-traditional technology utilized to manufacture parts of complex shapes or machining the materials conventionally difficult to process. It is also applied in the aerospace industry, where Inconel 625, which was the subject of the research in this study based on a DoE, is usually machined. In this way the experiment contained 33 rounds during which the settings of machined parameters were changed systematically. An identical experiment (33 rounds) was performed in which the semi-finished product was rotated by 90 ° to define the impact of the orientation direction of the cut on the speed of cutting and the quality of the surface and subsurface layers. Subsequently, a complex analysis of the machined surfaces of the individual samples was performed, including both the surface and subsurface layers. Topography was evaluated using a non-contact profilometer, including the creation of a colour-filtered 3D surface relief. The subject of further investigation was the analysis of morphology and surface defects including the chemical composition analysis (EDX). For a very detailed observation of the distribution of the individual elements in the material, lamella was prepared, which was subsequently studied using a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). For the subsurface layer study and its defects, metallographic preparations of all samples, which were observed using both light and electron microscopy, were prepared. On the basis of the analyses performed, the impact of the cutting direction on the cutting speed as well as the machined surface quality was determined.

Czech abstract

Elektroerozivní drátové řezání (WEDM) je nekonvenční technologie využívaná pro výrobu tvarově složitých dílů nebo obrábění konvenčně těžko obrobitelných materiálů. Uplatnění nalézá i v leteckém průmyslu, kde je tímto způsobem obvykle obráběn i materiál Inconel 625, který byl předmětem výzkumu v této studii založené na provedení plánovaného experimentu (DoE). Experiment obsahoval 33 kol, v jehož průběhu byly systematicky měněny parametry nastavení stroje gap voltage, pulse on time, pulse off time, discharge current a wire feed. Dále byl proveden totožný experiment (33 kol), při kterém byl polotovar otočen o 90°, za účelem zjištění vlivu směru orientace řezu na cutting speed a jakost povrchové a podpovrchové vrstvy. Následně byla provedena komlexní analýza obrobených povrchů jednotlivých vzorků zahrnující jak povrchovou tak i podpovrchovou vrstvu. Topografie byla vyhodnocována užitím bezkontaktního profilometru včetně vytvoření barevně fitrovaného 3D reliéfu povrchů. Předmětem dalšího zkoumání byla analýza morfologie a povrchpvých defektů včetně analýzy chemického složení (EDX). Za účelem velmi detailního pozorování rozložení jednotlivých prvků v materiálu byla připravena lamela, která byla následně studována užitím transmisního elektronového mikroskopu (TEM). Pro studium podpovrchové vrstvy a jejich defektů byly připraveny metalografické preparáty všech vzorků, které byly pozorovány užitím světelné i elektronové mikroskopie. Na základě provedených analýz byl zjištěn významný vliv orientace směru řezu jak na cutting speed tak i na jakost obrobeného povrchu.

English abstract

Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is anon-traditional technology utilized to manufacture parts of complex shapes or machining the materials conventionally difficult to process. It is also applied in the aerospace industry, where Inconel 625, which was the subject of the research in this study based on a DoE, is usually machined. In this way the experiment contained 33 rounds during which the settings of machined parameters were changed systematically. An identical experiment (33 rounds) was performed in which the semi-finished product was rotated by 90 ° to define the impact of the orientation direction of the cut on the speed of cutting and the quality of the surface and subsurface layers. Subsequently, a complex analysis of the machined surfaces of the individual samples was performed, including both the surface and subsurface layers. Topography was evaluated using a non-contact profilometer, including the creation of a colour-filtered 3D surface relief. The subject of further investigation was the analysis of morphology and surface defects including the chemical composition analysis (EDX). For a very detailed observation of the distribution of the individual elements in the material, lamella was prepared, which was subsequently studied using a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). For the subsurface layer study and its defects, metallographic preparations of all samples, which were observed using both light and electron microscopy, were prepared. On the basis of the analyses performed, the impact of the cutting direction on the cutting speed as well as the machined surface quality was determined.

Keywords in Czech

Elektroerozivní obrábění, WEDM, Inconel 625, morfologie, topografie, TEM lamela, plánovaný experiment

Keywords in English

Electrical discharge machining, WEDM, Inconel 625, morphology, topography, TEM lamella, Design of experiment




Taylor & Francis


Spojené státy americké







Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Kateřina {Mouralová} and Libor {Beneš} and Radim {Zahradníček} and Josef {Bednář} and Pavel {Hrabec} and Tomáš {Prokeš} and Radim {Hrdý},
  title="Analysis of cut orientation through half-finished product using WEDM",
  publisher="Taylor & Francis",
  address="Spojené státy americké",