Publication detail

Recovery of phosphorus from wastewater using ion exchange resins


Czech title

Znovuzískání fosforu z odpadních vod za použití iontoměničových pryskyřic

English title

Recovery of phosphorus from wastewater using ion exchange resins


conference proceedings



Original abstract

With growing human population, demand for raw materials, including fertilizers, is increasing. This leads to increase in the consumption of phosphorus natural resources. It is estimated that under the current rate of phosphorus consumption, its natural resources can be completely exhausted very shortly, which makes recovery of phosphorus particularly important for sustainable development. It is therefore needed to focus on the possibility of phosphorus recycling and reuse. Wastewater belongs into the inconsiderable sources of phosphorus for its reclamation. Ion exchange resins are used ordinarily to remove dissolved particles from liquids. Water treatment is the biggest field of application for ion exchange resins. This study explores use of Lewatit® FO 36 resin for removal of phosphate from waste water (e.g. ortho-phosphate, polyphosphate). Lewatit® FO 36 is a macroporous, monodisperse, polystyrene-based resin for the selective adsorption of oxoanions. It is a weakly basic ion exchange resin which is doped with a nano-scaled film of iron oxide covering the inner surfaces of the pores of the polymer bead. Oxoanions are bound by a specific, reversible reaction involving hydroxide groups on the iron oxide surface. Lewatit® FO 36 is capable of selectively adsorbing other species like HPO42-, HSiO3-, HSbO42-, HVO42-, SCN- etc. The paper illustrates laboratory scale trials necessary for evaluation of the resin for full-scale unit operation including long term exhaustion and regeneration test and also regeneration tests for optimisation of regeneration agent concentration (NaCl and NaOH) and regeneration solution flowrate. To simulate the real conditions, wastewater from WWTP was used as the source of phosphorus. Tests that was carried out are essential for technical-economic feasibility evaluation of the process.

English abstract

With growing human population, demand for raw materials, including fertilizers, is increasing. This leads to increase in the consumption of phosphorus natural resources. It is estimated that under the current rate of phosphorus consumption, its natural resources can be completely exhausted very shortly, which makes recovery of phosphorus particularly important for sustainable development. It is therefore needed to focus on the possibility of phosphorus recycling and reuse. Wastewater belongs into the inconsiderable sources of phosphorus for its reclamation. Ion exchange resins are used ordinarily to remove dissolved particles from liquids. Water treatment is the biggest field of application for ion exchange resins. This study explores use of Lewatit® FO 36 resin for removal of phosphate from waste water (e.g. ortho-phosphate, polyphosphate). Lewatit® FO 36 is a macroporous, monodisperse, polystyrene-based resin for the selective adsorption of oxoanions. It is a weakly basic ion exchange resin which is doped with a nano-scaled film of iron oxide covering the inner surfaces of the pores of the polymer bead. Oxoanions are bound by a specific, reversible reaction involving hydroxide groups on the iron oxide surface. Lewatit® FO 36 is capable of selectively adsorbing other species like HPO42-, HSiO3-, HSbO42-, HVO42-, SCN- etc. The paper illustrates laboratory scale trials necessary for evaluation of the resin for full-scale unit operation including long term exhaustion and regeneration test and also regeneration tests for optimisation of regeneration agent concentration (NaCl and NaOH) and regeneration solution flowrate. To simulate the real conditions, wastewater from WWTP was used as the source of phosphorus. Tests that was carried out are essential for technical-economic feasibility evaluation of the process.

Keywords in Czech

ionex; výměna iontů; fosfor; regenerace; pryskyřice; odpadní voda

Keywords in English

ionex; ion exchange; phosphorus; recovery; resin; wastewater






London, Ontario, Kanada


ecoSTP18 Conference, Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment


  author="Vladimír {Brummer} and Vojtěch {Zejda} and Lucie {Houdková},
  title="Recovery of phosphorus from wastewater using ion exchange resins",
  booktitle="ecoSTP18 Conference, Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment ",
  address="London, Ontario, Kanada"