Publication detail

Notched specimen under compression for ductile failure criteria


Czech title

Vrubovaný vzorek při tlaku pro kritéria tvárného porušování

English title

Notched specimen under compression for ductile failure criteria


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

Notched specimen was designed for testing in compression. It was manufactured from the aluminium alloy 2024-T351, which is widely used in the aerospace, aeronautical and automotive industry. The test, among others, was used for the calibration of three uncoupled ductile fracture criteria dependent on the first invariant of stress tensor and third invariant of deviatoric stress tensor. The yielding was described by three plasticity models dependent on the second invariant of deviatoric stress tensor – proposed by von Mises, dependent on the second and third invariants of deviatoric stress tensor, and the most complex yield criterion dependent on the first invariant of stress tensor and second and third invariants of deviatoric stress tensor. All models were implemented into Abaqus commercial finite element code using VUMAT user subroutine. The ductile fracture prediction was carried out by widely used element deletion technique for specimen under compression. In the aftermath, the results were compared to experiments to see the performance of complex plasticity models with uncoupled fracture criteria.

Czech abstract

Vrubovaný vzorek byl navržen pro testování v tlaku. Byl vyroben ze slitiny hliníku 2024-T351, který je široce využívaná v leteckém, námořním a automobilovém průmyslu. Test byl, mimo jiné, použit pro kalibraci tří nesvázaných kritérií tvárného porušování závislých na prvním invariantu tenzoru napětí a třetím invariantu deviátoru tenzoru napětí. Plasticita byla popsána třemi modely závislým na druhém invariantu deviátoru tenzoru napětí – navrženém von Misesem, závislým na druhém a třetím invariantu deviátoru tenzoru napětí a nejvíce složitá podmínka plasticity závislá na prvním invariantu tenzoru napětí a druhém a třetím invariantu deviátoru tenzoru napětí. Všechny modely byly implementovány do komerčního konečnoprvkového kódu Abaqus pomocí uživatelského podprogramu VUMAT. Predikce tvárného porušování byla provedena pomocí široce používané techniky mazání prvku pro vzorek při tlaku. V důsledku byly porovnány výsledky s experimenty, aby se ukázala výkonnost složitých modelů plasticity s nesvázanými kritérii porušování.

English abstract

Notched specimen was designed for testing in compression. It was manufactured from the aluminium alloy 2024-T351, which is widely used in the aerospace, aeronautical and automotive industry. The test, among others, was used for the calibration of three uncoupled ductile fracture criteria dependent on the first invariant of stress tensor and third invariant of deviatoric stress tensor. The yielding was described by three plasticity models dependent on the second invariant of deviatoric stress tensor – proposed by von Mises, dependent on the second and third invariants of deviatoric stress tensor, and the most complex yield criterion dependent on the first invariant of stress tensor and second and third invariants of deviatoric stress tensor. All models were implemented into Abaqus commercial finite element code using VUMAT user subroutine. The ductile fracture prediction was carried out by widely used element deletion technique for specimen under compression. In the aftermath, the results were compared to experiments to see the performance of complex plasticity models with uncoupled fracture criteria.

Keywords in Czech

Nekvadratický; triaxialita napětí; fenomenologická kritéria; Lodeho závislost; zkouška tlakem; nelineární poškození

Keywords in English

Non-quadratic; Stress triaxiality; Phenomenological criteria; Lode dependence; Upsetting test; Non-linear damage









Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Petr {Kubík} and František {Šebek} and Jindřich {Petruška},
  title="Notched specimen under compression for ductile failure criteria",