Publication detail
Static Equilibrium Position, Velocity and Pressure Fields at Static Analysis of Long Noncavitating Elliptical and Offset Journal Bearings
Czech title
Staticky rovnovážná poloha, rychlostní a tlakové pole dlouhých nekavitujících kluzných ložisek
English title
Static Equilibrium Position, Velocity and Pressure Fields at Static Analysis of Long Noncavitating Elliptical and Offset Journal Bearings
conference paper
Original abstract
This contribution deals with computational modelling of static analysis of long non-cavitating journal bearings. In this contribution is presented a new theoretical approach to the modelling of a static behaviour of the rigid rotating body in real liquid. The approach is based on the application of Navier-Stokes motion eq., equation of continuity and boundary conditions eqs. It is possible to separate the motion of the rigid body and real liquid from each other using suitable transformation relations and then it is also possible to separate the stationary and nonstationary motions from each other. A method of control volumes is used for these analyses. The real Bézier body is used for description of the geometrical configuration and also for approximation of velocity and pressure functions. The combined ALE (Arbitrary Lagrange-Euler) method is used, because it's necessary to generate a new net (perform new meshing) for a change of the shaft position. Some results of the numerical solution of the model task are presented in this contribution.
Czech abstract
Příspěvek se zabývá výpočtovou analýzou statických a dynamických vlastností hydrodynamických kluzných ložisek.
English abstract
This contribution deals with computational modelling of static analysis of long non-cavitating journal bearings. In this contribution is presented a new theoretical approach to the modelling of a static behaviour of the rigid rotating body in real liquid. The approach is based on the application of Navier-Stokes motion eq., equation of continuity and boundary conditions eqs. It is possible to separate the motion of the rigid body and real liquid from each other using suitable transformation relations and then it is also possible to separate the stationary and nonstationary motions from each other. A method of control volumes is used for these analyses. The real Bézier body is used for description of the geometrical configuration and also for approximation of velocity and pressure functions. The combined ALE (Arbitrary Lagrange-Euler) method is used, because it's necessary to generate a new net (perform new meshing) for a change of the shaft position. Some results of the numerical solution of the model task are presented in this contribution.
Keywords in Czech
Kluzná ložiska, výpočtové modelování, Bézierova tělesa, Navier-Stokesova rovnice
Keywords in English
Journal bearings, computational modelling, Navier-Stokes motion eq., Bézier Body application
RIV year
Croatian Society of Mechanics
4th ICCSM EXTENDED ABSTRACTS of 4th International Congres of Croatian Society of Mechanics
Edition number
Pages count
author="Vladimír {Rak} and Eduard {Malenovský} and František {Pochylý},
title="Static Equilibrium Position, Velocity and Pressure Fields at Static Analysis of Long Noncavitating Elliptical and Offset Journal Bearings",
booktitle="4th ICCSM EXTENDED ABSTRACTS of 4th International Congres of Croatian Society of Mechanics",
publisher="Croatian Society of Mechanics",