Publication detail

Impact on the Population from the Transportation of Waste based on Emission Models


English title

Impact on the Population from the Transportation of Waste based on Emission Models


conference paper



Original abstract

Waste management has been still a developing and progressing field demanding a continual enhancement in waste transportation, proper new treatment facility location and subsequent technical operation. The majority of research papers has been dealing with optimisation of network flow minimising the cost and improving economic criterions. The shortest distances to facilities are taken into account together with detailed analysis of operation considering surrounding conditions of heat and electricity demands. Nevertheless, the environmental aspect plays an important role and should be examined. A novel updated strategy of decision-making from the environmental point of view has to be proposed. The production of emissions within the waste management area has to be analysed and optimised. This research paper focuses on the first move in analysing the pollutant’s production, dispersion and impact on the population. The methodology of calculation considers pollutants impact from transport to the population living close to transportation roads. An emission based model developed for transport of waste takes into consideration an altitude profile of roads, the load of the container and specific type of vehicle to determine emission production. The impact to the population considers the distances between roads and municipalities including a number of inhabitants. The proposed models describing the emission effect have been tested on the real life operating data of the particular transportation route. The analyses of the impact on the population have been discussed and evaluated. The impact was quantified for the particular route, which formed the edge characterisation needed for the whole network. The output in the form of distance and altitude based emission data is going to be used in the future research as input parameters for novel mixed integer programming model. Other possible extensions of the presented models cover more accurate dispersion function and detailed calculation of pollutant’s impact including the particular location of residential houses

English abstract

Waste management has been still a developing and progressing field demanding a continual enhancement in waste transportation, proper new treatment facility location and subsequent technical operation. The majority of research papers has been dealing with optimisation of network flow minimising the cost and improving economic criterions. The shortest distances to facilities are taken into account together with detailed analysis of operation considering surrounding conditions of heat and electricity demands. Nevertheless, the environmental aspect plays an important role and should be examined. A novel updated strategy of decision-making from the environmental point of view has to be proposed. The production of emissions within the waste management area has to be analysed and optimised. This research paper focuses on the first move in analysing the pollutant’s production, dispersion and impact on the population. The methodology of calculation considers pollutants impact from transport to the population living close to transportation roads. An emission based model developed for transport of waste takes into consideration an altitude profile of roads, the load of the container and specific type of vehicle to determine emission production. The impact to the population considers the distances between roads and municipalities including a number of inhabitants. The proposed models describing the emission effect have been tested on the real life operating data of the particular transportation route. The analyses of the impact on the population have been discussed and evaluated. The impact was quantified for the particular route, which formed the edge characterisation needed for the whole network. The output in the form of distance and altitude based emission data is going to be used in the future research as input parameters for novel mixed integer programming model. Other possible extensions of the presented models cover more accurate dispersion function and detailed calculation of pollutant’s impact including the particular location of residential houses

Keywords in English

Pollutant impact; waste transportation; population; emission model; pollutant dispersion




Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb


Zagreb, Croatia




ISSN 1847-7186 (book of abstracts) ISSN 1847-7178 (digital proceedings)

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Vlastimír {Nevrlý} and Radovan {Šomplák} and Jiří {Gregor} and Martin {Pavlas} and Jiří {Klemeš},
  title="Impact on the Population from the Transportation of Waste based on Emission Models",
  booktitle="ISSN 1847-7186 (book of abstracts)
ISSN 1847-7178 (digital proceedings)",
  publisher="Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb",
  address="Zagreb, Croatia",