Publication detail

Experimental research on reinforced exhaust system


Czech title

Experimentální výzkum zesíleného odsávacího systému

English title

Experimental research on reinforced exhaust system


conference paper



Original abstract

Research on a circular reinforced exhaust system with horizontal axis was carried out with the use of tracer gas method that was applied in order to measure the capture efficiency of the system, and a smoke method in order to make the flow images visible. The paper includes results of the research on impact of operation factors of the exhaust system, and the influence that has the width of the slot supplying the air on the capture efficiency. The operation factors are determined by the proportion of supply air momentum flow and exhaust air momentum flow and by speed of air in the exhaust opening of the hood. Measurements proved that the higher the value of the proportion of momentum flows, the more elongated is the capture effective area. Increase in the velocity of exhaust in the reinforced exhaust hood will result in a substantial elongation in the capture effective area. Shape and size of the capture effective area are independent on the slot width.

Czech abstract

Výzkum kruhového zesíleného odsávacího systému byl proveden metodou stopového plynu a kouřovou metodou. Článek obsahuje výsledky vlivu pracovního faktoru odsávacího systému a vlivu šířky štěrbiny pro přívod vzduchu na účinnost zachycení. Pracovní faktor je definován poměrem hybnostních toků přiváděného a odsávaného vzduchu. Měření ukázala, že zvětšováním hodnoty pracovního faktoru se prodlužuje oblast zachzcení.

English abstract

Research on a circular reinforced exhaust system with horizontal axis was carried out with the use of tracer gas method that was applied in order to measure the capture efficiency of the system, and a smoke method in order to make the flow images visible. The paper includes results of the research on impact of operation factors of the exhaust system, and the influence that has the width of the slot supplying the air on the capture efficiency. The operation factors are determined by the proportion of supply air momentum flow and exhaust air momentum flow and by speed of air in the exhaust opening of the hood. Measurements proved that the higher the value of the proportion of momentum flows, the more elongated is the capture effective area. Increase in the velocity of exhaust in the reinforced exhaust hood will result in a substantial elongation in the capture effective area. Shape and size of the capture effective area are independent on the slot width.

Keywords in English

Exhaust system, tracer gas method, capture efficiency, smoke method

RIV year







Proceedings of 7th international symposium on ventilation for contaminant control

Pages count



  author="Eva {Janotková} and Stanislav {Patočka} and Milan {Pavelek},
  title="Experimental research on reinforced exhaust system",
  booktitle="Proceedings of 7th international symposium on ventilation for contaminant control",