Publication detail

Effect of surface roughness on lubricant film breakdown and transition from EHL to mixed lubrication


Czech title

Vliv drsnosti povrchu na průlom mazací vrstvy a přechod do smíšeného EHL režimu mazání

English title

Effect of surface roughness on lubricant film breakdown and transition from EHL to mixed lubrication


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

The ability of elastohydrodynamically lubricated (EHL) contacts to separate surfaces represents essential design requirement ensuring long life and low friction of machine components. Nevertheless, it is strongly affected by surface roughness that tends to decrease formed lubricant film. Surface roughness related effects are highly scales dependent. Dimensions in longitudinal and transverse directions influence roughness deformation while dimensions in roughness height can have significant effects on lubrication process. The prediction of the roughness features effect on lubricant film in the case of possible lubricant film breakdown still represents the challenge even for nowadays power full numerical simulation tools. At the same time some simple measures as the lambda ratio does not provides realistic estimation of lubrication regimes. However, there is a strong demand for such a prediction especially close to the transition to the mixed lubrication regime. In this paper possible approach based on the combination of experimental and numerical data is discussed. It is suggested that quantified experimental data could bridge possible gaps in the ability of the theory to provide the sufficient fast estimation of lubrication capabilities of engineering surfaces in the transition region between EHL and mixed lubrication.

Czech abstract

Schopnost elastohydrodynamicky mazaných (EHL) kontaktů oddělit povrchy představuje zásadní konstrukční požadavky zajišťující dlouhou životnost a nízké tření strojních součástí. Nicméně drsnost povrchu zásadním způsobem ovlivňuje rozložení tloušťky mazacího filmu. Proto je nutné studovat chování nerovností v mazaných kontaktech. Rozměry nerovností v podélných i příčných směrech mají vliv na deformaci drsností, zatímco charakter nerovností a výška může mít významný vliv na proces mazání. V článku je popsán možný přístup založený na kombinaci experimentálních a numerických dat. Je navržen kvantitativní přístup zohledňující vliv charakteru nerovností zjištěný na základě experimentálního měření pomocí optické interferometrie. Tento přístup umožňuje překlenout mezery v teorii a je schopen poskytovat rychlý odhad mazacích schopností inženýrských povrchů v oblasti přechodu mezi plným EHL a smíšeným mazání.

English abstract

The ability of elastohydrodynamically lubricated (EHL) contacts to separate surfaces represents essential design requirement ensuring long life and low friction of machine components. Nevertheless, it is strongly affected by surface roughness that tends to decrease formed lubricant film. Surface roughness related effects are highly scales dependent. Dimensions in longitudinal and transverse directions influence roughness deformation while dimensions in roughness height can have significant effects on lubrication process. The prediction of the roughness features effect on lubricant film in the case of possible lubricant film breakdown still represents the challenge even for nowadays power full numerical simulation tools. At the same time some simple measures as the lambda ratio does not provides realistic estimation of lubrication regimes. However, there is a strong demand for such a prediction especially close to the transition to the mixed lubrication regime. In this paper possible approach based on the combination of experimental and numerical data is discussed. It is suggested that quantified experimental data could bridge possible gaps in the ability of the theory to provide the sufficient fast estimation of lubrication capabilities of engineering surfaces in the transition region between EHL and mixed lubrication.

Keywords in Czech

EHL; smíšené mazání; drsnost povrchu; tloušťka mazacího filmu

Keywords in English

EHL; Mixed lubrication; Surface roughness; Film thickness











Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Ivan {Křupka} and Petr {Šperka} and Martin {Hartl},
  title="Effect of surface roughness on lubricant film breakdown and transition from EHL to mixed lubrication",