Publication detail
External excitation of the vocal tract through the sinus nasal
Czech title
Externí buzení vokálního traktu skrze nosní dutinu
English title
External excitation of the vocal tract through the sinus nasal
conference paper
Original abstract
The paper describes an experimentally verified method of the external excitation of the vocal tract. The external source is the compressed-air supply in this case, coming from an outer source, e.g. from a pressure vessel etc. The air is supplied by means of a jet which is placed in the nostril at the end of the sinus nasal. However the jet must have appropriate properties particularly concerning the flat spectrum shape required, generated by the air leaving the jet and expanding. The spectra of the random noise generated by the jet stimulate the excitation of the vowel formants while the flowing air is a condition for generating the individual consonants.
Czech abstract
Příspěvek se zabývá experimentálním buzením vokálního traktu. Externím zdrojem je stlačený vzduch z nádoby se stlačeným vzduchem. Vzduch je dopravován do nosních otvorů na konci nosní dutiny. Tryska musí mít vhodné vlastnosti, jež je schopna poskytnout ploché spektrum v poměrně širokém frekvenčním rozsahu. Spektra náhodného signálu pak budí formanty samohlásek a proudící vzduch je podmínkou pro generování souhlásek.
English abstract
The paper describes an experimentally verified method of the external excitation of the vocal tract. The external source is the compressed-air supply in this case, coming from an outer source, e.g. from a pressure vessel etc. The air is supplied by means of a jet which is placed in the nostril at the end of the sinus nasal. However the jet must have appropriate properties particularly concerning the flat spectrum shape required, generated by the air leaving the jet and expanding. The spectra of the random noise generated by the jet stimulate the excitation of the vowel formants while the flowing air is a condition for generating the individual consonants.
Keywords in Czech
hlasivky; externí buzení; experiment; laryngektomie
Keywords in English
vocal folds; external excitation; experiment; laryngectomy
RIV year
Barr Allen and Nigel Lovell
Sydney, Australia
IFMBE Proceedings
Pages count
author="Vojtěch {Mišun},
title="External excitation of the vocal tract through the sinus nasal",
booktitle="IFMBE Proceedings",
publisher="Barr Allen and Nigel Lovell",
address="Sydney, Australia",