Publication detail

Reliability of highly integrated ceramic/polymer-based functional systems for electronic applications


Czech title

Spolehlivost integrovaných funkčních systémů na keramicko/polymerní bázi pro elektronické aplikace

English title

Reliability of highly integrated ceramic/polymer-based functional systems for electronic applications


summary research report - contract. research



Original abstract

The work deals with FE modelling of LTCC "Building blocks" (ceramic plate with inbuilt square silver electrodes) subjected to 4 point bending and with prediction of their cracking. The aim is to explain fracture behaviour observed in the experiment and predict critical forces leading to specimen failure. To determine the critical force necessary for the crack initiation (upon combined thermal and mechanical stresses) a stress-energy coupled criterion is employed. The work also studies influence of the electrode position within the ceramic height and discusses two possible points of the crack origination – surface of the specimen and tip of the electrode and explains which spot is more convenient for the inception of the cracking.

Czech abstract

Vývoj rutin pro postprocesing MKP simulací a posouzení kritického místa v pájeném spoji (v programovacím jazyce APDL softwaru ANSYS) s uvážením celé zatěžovací historie pájeného spoje; Příprava simulačních modelů pro tahové zkoušky bi-polárních spojů nahrazující teplotní cyklování, návrh vhodných okrajových podmínek pro tyto tahové zkoušky a následné simulační ověření.

English abstract

The work deals with FE modelling of LTCC "Building blocks" (ceramic plate with inbuilt square silver electrodes) subjected to 4 point bending and with prediction of their cracking. The aim is to explain fracture behaviour observed in the experiment and predict critical forces leading to specimen failure. To determine the critical force necessary for the crack initiation (upon combined thermal and mechanical stresses) a stress-energy coupled criterion is employed. The work also studies influence of the electrode position within the ceramic height and discusses two possible points of the crack origination – surface of the specimen and tip of the electrode and explains which spot is more convenient for the inception of the cracking.

Keywords in Czech

MKP model, pájený spoj, creepové chování, tahová zkouška

Keywords in English

Ceramic, Building blocks, bending test, Coupled Criterion, FEM, silver electrode.



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