Publication detail

Substituing Fuel by Mining Gas in Unit for Thermal Treatment of Sludge


Czech title

Náhrada paliva důlním plynem u spalovny kalů

English title

Substituing Fuel by Mining Gas in Unit for Thermal Treatment of Sludge


conference paper



Original abstract

This paper describes an industrial project in the field of thermal treatment of sludge from pulp production showing an original way of substituting fuel (natural gas) with an alternative one (mining gas). A thermal treatment unit with a capacity more than 100 tons of wet sludge per day had been built in one large pulp and paper plant some years ago. This pulp and paper plant is located in a mining area. When built, this unit was quite modern. However, because of more and more sweeping environmental laws affecting the process industry, the unit needed a complete retrofit. The retrofit has been realized in three stages. A brief description of the unit for the thermal treatment of sludge is as follows: The waste sludge (after transport from a sludge storage system) is burnt in a multiple hearth incinerator with a fluidized bed chamber. Then flue gas enters a secondary combustion chamber (afterburner chamber). During the first stage of retrofit, only a part of heat from flue gas was utilized for heat recovery (preheating air for combustion and fluidization) and a contact cooler was added into the unit. The second stage of retrofit can be characterized as waste to energy one. The contact cooler was replaced by a system for preheating water for steam generation. Flue gas cleaning system consists of a filter for particulate removal and a three stages scrubber system. (Several alternatives of retrofit were considered and simulated and the most promising one was selected.) The third stage of retrofit was based on interesting and original approach – substituting the currently used fuel with mining gas containing approximately 50 to 60% of CH4. Utilizing this waste gas represents an important contribution from both environmental and economic points of view. Removing the gas from mines decreases also risk of creating an explosive mixture with air and thus it is important from safety reasons as well. At this stage of retrofit some particular problems had to be solved. First it was a transport of mining gas from the closed mines including related economic analysis. Further, a special burner designed specifically to enable parallel combustion of two different gaseous fuels (dual burner) with both fuel and air staging has been developed and tested. Tests were performed in order to confirm functional performance specification of the burner and to create a data base for a new semi-empirical NOx formation model. This way of modelling of the NOx formation rate was based on careful consideration of all possible approaches including predictions by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The presented dual burner points to a possible way, how to solve several problems together (by use of mining gas, decreasing of fuel cost and lowering formation of nitrogen oxides). The simple semiempirical mathematical model achieves a good agreement with the measured data and thus may contribute to decreasing the number of measured operational regimes during future testing. It has been shown and proved that a burner like this can substantially contribute to decreasing fuel costs and meeting the environmental limits within such a large pulp and paper plant.

Czech abstract

Tento příspěvek popisuje průmyslový projekt v oblasti termického zpracování odpadních kalů z výroby celulózy a představuje originální řešení pro nahrazení ušlechtilého paliva (zemního plynu) alternativním (důlním plynem). Zmíněné řešení bylo součástí celkové rekonstrukce spalovny, která byla provedena z funkčních důvodů stejně jako z důvodů ekologizace jejího provozu. Rekonstrukce se skládala ze tří hlavních částí: v prvních dvou šlo o zejménao využití odpadního tepla pro předehřev spalovacího a fluorizačního vzduchu a dále o předehřev demineralizované vody pro výroby páry. Ve třetí etapě bylo provedeno nahrazení zemního plynu levnějším alternativním palivem, důlním plynem z nedalekých uzavřených hlubinných černouhelných dolů. Dále je popsán návrh a testy speciálního dvoupalivového hořáku dohořívací komory v této průmyslové spalovně odpadu. Sběr dat z testů byl zaměřen na získání podkladů pro pozdější tvorbu semi-empirického modelu predikce emisí NOx. Výsledky jednoduchého modelu jsou srovnány s naměřenými daty. Příspěvek dokazuje, že použití podobných univerzálních hořáků přináší značný potenciál pro snížení nákladů na paliva a splnění emisních omezení, a to nejen v provozu spalovny odpadu z výroby celulózy.

English abstract

This paper describes an industrial project in the field of thermal treatment of sludge from pulp production showing an original way of substituting fuel (natural gas) with an alternative one (mining gas). A thermal treatment unit with a capacity more than 100 tons of wet sludge per day had been built in one large pulp and paper plant some years ago. This pulp and paper plant is located in a mining area. When built, this unit was quite modern. However, because of more and more sweeping environmental laws affecting the process industry, the unit needed a complete retrofit. The retrofit has been realized in three stages. A brief description of the unit for the thermal treatment of sludge is as follows: The waste sludge (after transport from a sludge storage system) is burnt in a multiple hearth incinerator with a fluidized bed chamber. Then flue gas enters a secondary combustion chamber (afterburner chamber). During the first stage of retrofit, only a part of heat from flue gas was utilized for heat recovery (preheating air for combustion and fluidization) and a contact cooler was added into the unit. The second stage of retrofit can be characterized as waste to energy one. The contact cooler was replaced by a system for preheating water for steam generation. Flue gas cleaning system consists of a filter for particulate removal and a three stages scrubber system. (Several alternatives of retrofit were considered and simulated and the most promising one was selected.) The third stage of retrofit was based on interesting and original approach – substituting the currently used fuel with mining gas containing approximately 50 to 60% of CH4. Utilizing this waste gas represents an important contribution from both environmental and economic points of view. Removing the gas from mines decreases also risk of creating an explosive mixture with air and thus it is important from safety reasons as well. At this stage of retrofit some particular problems had to be solved. First it was a transport of mining gas from the closed mines including related economic analysis. Further, a special burner designed specifically to enable parallel combustion of two different gaseous fuels (dual burner) with both fuel and air staging has been developed and tested. Tests were performed in order to confirm functional performance specification of the burner and to create a data base for a new semi-empirical NOx formation model. This way of modelling of the NOx formation rate was based on careful consideration of all possible approaches including predictions by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The presented dual burner points to a possible way, how to solve several problems together (by use of mining gas, decreasing of fuel cost and lowering formation of nitrogen oxides). The simple semiempirical mathematical model achieves a good agreement with the measured data and thus may contribute to decreasing the number of measured operational regimes during future testing. It has been shown and proved that a burner like this can substantially contribute to decreasing fuel costs and meeting the environmental limits within such a large pulp and paper plant.

Keywords in English

NOx, Thermal treatment of sludge, Substituting Fuel

RIV year





University of Maryland


Orlando, Florida, USA


Proceedings of theTwenty-second Annual International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies

Pages count



  author="Vít {Kermes} and Jiří {Hájek} and Jaroslav {Oral} and Ladislav {Bébar} and Pavel {Šťasta},
  title="Substituing Fuel by Mining Gas in Unit for Thermal Treatment of Sludge",
  booktitle="Proceedings of theTwenty-second Annual International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies",
  publisher="University of Maryland",
  address="Orlando, Florida, USA"