Publication detail

Feasibility of Incorporating Blood Pressure Distribution into Rupture Risk Assesment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Stanislav Polzer, Kamil Novák, Jiří Burša

Czech title

Proveditelnost zahrnutí distribuce krevního tlaku do posouzení rizika ruptury abdominálního aneurysmatu aorty

English title

Feasibility of Incorporating Blood Pressure Distribution into Rupture Risk Assesment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm





Original abstract

Patient specific geometry is constantly showing itself as a critical input in finite element analyses of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), as well as blood pressure. Unfortunately blood pressure is currently measured according to WHO standards requiring calm patient to ensure repeatability of such measurement. Although the pressure obtained in this way is valuable in clinical assessment of many diseases it is, according to biomechanical fundamentals, insufficient in AAA rupture risk assessment where knowledge of patient blood pressure distribution in his everyday life could be more advantageous. Thus whithin this paper, we have decided to explore the possibility to incorporate the time distribution of blood pressure in patient’s common life into our probabilistic method to obtain the annual probability of rupture.

Czech abstract

Samotná geometrie konkrétního pacienta a krevní tlak se ukazují jako kritické vstupy pro konečno-prvkové analýzy. V současné době se krevní tlak měří podle směrnic WHO což, bohužel, apriory vyžaduje aby byl pacient v klidu. Jedině tehdy se dá provést měření opakovaně. Ačkoliv je tento přístup měření tlaku velmi přínosný v běžné klinické praxi, pro výpočtovou mechaniku bylo více přínosné získat distribuci tlaku během normálního dne pacienta. V rámci tohoto článku jsme se tedy rozhodli prozkoukamt možnost zahrnutí distrubuce krevního tlaku konkrétního pacienta do naší pravděpodobností metody k vyhodnocení roční pravděpodobnosti rizika ruptury.

English abstract

Patient specific geometry is constantly showing itself as a critical input in finite element analyses of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), as well as blood pressure. Unfortunately blood pressure is currently measured according to WHO standards requiring calm patient to ensure repeatability of such measurement. Although the pressure obtained in this way is valuable in clinical assessment of many diseases it is, according to biomechanical fundamentals, insufficient in AAA rupture risk assessment where knowledge of patient blood pressure distribution in his everyday life could be more advantageous. Thus whithin this paper, we have decided to explore the possibility to incorporate the time distribution of blood pressure in patient’s common life into our probabilistic method to obtain the annual probability of rupture.

Keywords in Czech

pravděpodobnostní přístup, aneurysma abdominální aorty, metoda konečných prvků, distribuce krevního tlaku konkrétního pacienta

Keywords in English

probabilistic approach, abdominal aortic aneurysm, finite elements method, patient-specific blood pressure distribution




ESB 2016, Lyon

Pages from–to


Pages count